Our Most Dangerous Challenge Ever by Gene Chapman

The cost of Socialism is unfulfilled dreams in an authoritarian police state of misery. Our Beautiful America is clinging precariously to our God Blessed Constitutional Republic. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ambition is to rule the world. Using propaganda, they create a great danger, Donald Trump, then appoint themselves as the savior, when in fact CCP cares less whether Chinese people live or die. It is a challenge to describe the true evilness of how the Communist treat their own, destroying morality and traditional culture, sabotaging futures , constantly inciting hatred, with the omnificent Party always right. We just had four years of extreme hatred. It started well before Trump’s unexpected presidency. I was proud America elected a Black president. I thought, since his majority win could not happen without White America’s vote, it would go a long way toward proving systemic racism was a dying ember. Obama could have been ...