New World Order one, Trump Zero by Gene Chapman

The first Amendment to our Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting the Establishment of Religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of the press or the Rights of the people peaceable (not riotously) to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. 

They never envisioned a situation with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, all the big guys controlling the speech of America, with the power to join with the Democrat Party, silencing opposing speech by making it hatefully politically incorrect. 

They wrongly assumed there would be a vibrant other side, but over time the press spoke with one voice, silencing opposing voices, using colluding big tech to make patriots clinging to America’s time honored greatness mere fools, plus evil to boot. 

Clinging to Religious freedom, to guns, with smaller government and unhinged productivity in entrepreneurial free markets, America won wars, visited the moon with plans for Mars, and make peace in the world selling the good life under the rule of law. 

We did that until we were convinced by the lying loudest voice, that everybody was equal deserving of the same lifestyle.  I’m sticking with brilliant (Black) Thomas Sowell who said,” You can’t get equality from the people born of the same parents and raised under the same roof.”                           

Remember Reagan?  Remember how Sam Donaldson, and Helen Thomas constantly badgered him at his news conferences, but a few of the media asked civil questions, and got civil answers.  Overall, the press painted him as a “dumb” Conservative, with a vice president who couldn’t spell cat if he was spotted the c and t. 

But Reagan was smart enough to have the third greatest economy in our history, following Republican Calvin Coolidge’s roaring 20’s, using the same philosophy of government.  Smaller government, lower taxes, fewer regulations, rewarding entrepreneurial productivity, with a strong national defense, all under the rule of law.

Then we had 28 years of (smart) moderate to liberal leadership, with the last 8 years being under the brilliant, infallible Barack Obama, limping along with the slowest recovery in the history of recoveries, averaging a tad over 1 GDP percent for two  terms.  We had a real belly full of equality, but my hero’s Thomas Sowell’s philosophy of equality remained unchallenged. 

Now with a fully corrupted media they told us it was the greatest time in history, and presidential news conferences were love fest, worshipful, with nary an ill word. 

But the Walmart shopping deplorable, by osmosis, knew things weren’t going as great as the infrequent news conferences, and voted for an orange headed change.  

The left just couldn’t believe he won, and vowed it would never happen again, taking a few minutes to start impeaching.

He promised a lot and delivered more.  The economy began to grow, with the same policies of Coolidge and Reagan that can’t help but work every time, fitting humanities dreams. 

Old Orange let you spend more of your money, rather than run it through government, where for some reason it disappears, and only the bureaucracy know where it went. Hehehe!  

Boy how they hated it, little mankind of all creeds and colors  moving on up for a middle class record, no longer needing a  bureaucrat for daily bread, controlling ones vote while skimming off the top.  

The stock market shot up like a rocket on high octane fuel, and many of the new middle class investors became millionaires.  Our troops killed off ISSI in short order, started coming home, North Korea succumbed to the charm of either Dennis Rodman or the Orange Man, quieted down, after they learned threatening war wasn’t worth the usual $100 billion bribe.  

It was by far the greatest four year economic recovery in history with more jobs than workers, and sunny skies as far as the eye could see.

The Deep State Establishment just had to kill it, because a second term could expose the full criminality of the injustice of the Obama/Hillary years, and America would understand that Watergate was jaywalking when compared to the Chicago, Alinsky mob.  

So the big guys colluded with China, destroying Trump’s economy with the coronavirus, corrupted further the elections with 385 leftist lawsuits, won the election with Dominion voting machines, foreign owned, called it the cleanest election in history, threatened to take you to the Supreme Court should you dare question it’s smelly results, and won in the 5 swing States required.

Now, if one exposes it, they shut down one’s Facebook or Twitter to silence him, and talk about re-education camps.

Nothing to see here, shut up and accept your yoke of oppression.  George Orwell told us it would happen.

Gene Chapman


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