The Modern Day “Lettermen” by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

Video: The Lettermen 1968 TV "Going Out of My Head / Can't Take My Eyes off You" With Dancers

Big Tech The "Modern Day" Lettermen 2016- 2021 singing "Going Out of My Head / Can't Take My Eyes off You/Never My Love" to Donald John Trump

The "Modern Day" Lettermen: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and CNN President Jeff Zucker

See the resemblance? See the similarities? Use your imagination and see how much Jack, Mark and Jeff look like The Lettermen. No kidding.

It is a tempestuous love/hate relationship between The "Modern-Day" Lettermen and Donald John Trump (DJT) that began about five years ago.

At the beginning of the relationship Twitter and Facebook got plenty of clicks, hits and money-making traffic and CNN got a ratings boom off of Trump when he was a New York businessman and was running for President, but then after he somehow managed to win the Presidency everything changed.

At the beginning of the relationship The "Modern Day" Lettermen thought that they were using him, but then too late they realized that he had been using them all along.

When they realized that they had been responsible for giving him all the publicity that he needed to become President, they turned against him. 

They didn’t mean for him to win the Presidency, all they wanted was for him to make them money. They really wanted him to lose and they really wanted Hillary Clinton to win.

The "Modern Day" Lettermen thought that by giving him enough rope he would hang himself. But they were the ones who tied a noose around their own necks.

A love affair gone wrong between The "Modern Day" Lettermen and DJT, that’s what played out in the ensuing days of his Presidency. 

CNN started bad mouthing him until they became obsessed with bringing him down. Day and night, night and day on all their programs they bashed and butchered everything he said and everything he did. 

Twitter and Facebook took their time but they finally got even with him and banned him from their platforms.

At long last The "Modern Day" Lettermen got their revenge because he had outsmarted them and they couldn’t stand to be outsmarted by the likes of him.

But as in all affairs gone wrong, that’s not the end of the story.

CNN’s ratings have plummeted to nearly rock bottom and they have lost so much of their viewership that now CNN will no longer be broadcasting at all the airport terminals because people have lost interest and are on their devices instead.

Twitter and Facebook have faced a backlash and their revenues have drastically been reduced. They stand to share the same fate as MySpace and America Online (AOL), down the memory hole of the past, soon to be overtaken by what awaits us in the future.

All the greats and giants too shall fall, and Twitter, Facebook and CNN are destined to one day fall, and that day may soon be coming, sooner than they think.

Just like the greats and giants before them of Bell Telephone Company and International Business Machines (IBM) which fell from the highest heights, so the same fate will be upon Twitter, Facebook and CNN, one day soon.

Twitter, Facebook and CNN have a new love affair with Biden and Harris, at long last love has arrived. It’s a match made in the cyberspace of the New World Order. 

Twitter love birds chirping, Facebook friends forever and CNN can’t take my eyes off of you; you’re just too good to be true. But none of this is real; it’s all just a show to keep us amused while they amass their vast amounts of money while we’re going out of our heads.

Twitter, Facebook and CNN may not be around in 2024 and maybe President Trump will serve another term.

Stranger things have been known to happen. Believe it or not!

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

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