The Kid in the Red ‘MAGA’ Hat by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


The 48th Annual March forLife in Washington, D.C., 

will take place virtually on January 29, 2021.

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Recalling the event on a fateful day in January 2019 in our Nation’s Capitol, a teenage boy from Covington Catholic High School was milling around the Lincoln Memorial waiting for his bus to arrive to take him back to his sweet Kentucky home.

He had come to participate in the 46th Annual March for Life earlier that day.

Along with his classmates and chaperones he had visited historic sites that spoke volumes about our great and glorious country enshrined with the principles of freedom and liberty that stood as shining beacons of hope.

He must have felt the pride of being an American, to live in the land of life and liberty for all, to be in the city that exemplified and epitomized the grandeur of our founding freedoms.

His heart must have soared at seeing those structures of stones that have stood the test of time, through the best and worst of times; our country having stood strong and sturdy as the shining city upon a hill.

Then out-of-nowhere a group of people chanting came along with a Native-American elder beating his drum in front of the kid in the red ‘MAGA’ hat.

The kid heroically, courageously and respectfully simply stood there silently smiling, he didn’t say a word, he didn’t do a thing, and he even tried to dissuade a fellow classmate from engaging in debate.

There’s video to prove all this is true.

Yet the media portrayed him in a most dishonest and disingenuous way.

High-powered attorneys filed libel lawsuits against highly-powerful people who used inflammatory and incendiary language to smear and lie.

The laws that made America Great once again prevailed to protect the innocent kid in the red ‘MAGA’ hat who won settlements against CNN and the Washington Post!

There he was once again in front of the Lincoln Memorial speaking at the 2020 Republican National Convention, being broadcast by CNN, and at the end dramatically putting on his red ‘MAGA’ hat and smiling into the camera!

Oh, what sweet revenge!

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


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