Afterwords: Twenty (20) Truths

1. Thank God for teaching us His Truth 2. The cost of traveling light and not carrying any baggage is to never allow ourselves to waver from the Truth of God 3. The Truth is in the tragedy and in the triumph 4. Stop believing lies, start believing The Truth of God 5. It’s time we got back in touch with the truth about the real relationship between giving and receiving 6. May our message and our mission be intricately wrapped with integrity, gentleness and truth 7. Truth: God is Love 8. We need to be Christians who are not ashamed of the Gospel, who have the courage to speak the truth in love, who witness for Christ, who have stopped worrying about being popular; because now is not the time for being fearful and selfish – now is the time for fearlessness and selflessness 9. We must be a Christian who cares enough to lovingly speak the truth in love 10. Trus...