2015 Del Rio Catholic Women's Conference February 28 at 8:00 a.m. Information & Registration form
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Wonderful blessings to all!
Below is information and registration form for the upcoming Conference. This year's THEME: HEALING THE HEART OF WOMAN is perfect for a Lenten reflection and our spiritual journey.
Wonderful speakers from San Antonio, our very own Father Moreno, music, song, worship, skits and more await you this year.
Please make plans to join us. The attached registration form along with your check/cash payment can be submitted to any Catholic parish office in Del Rio.
Also, please share this email with anyone you feel might be interested. All are welcome.
The Del Rio Catholic Women of Hope Committee
Del Rio Catholic Women’s Conference
“Healing the Heart of Woman”
Saturday, February 28, 2015
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
8:00 a.m. Mass
Several women from our local parishes; Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Sacred Heart Church and St. Joseph Church have united together in bringing this day conference to Catholic and Non-Catholic women in Del Rio.
We invite you to join us for a very special Day of RENEWAL.
Plan early and sign up now for this unforgettable day.
This conference will energize you and bring you into a closer and loving relationship with the Lord.
The conference will start off with Mass at 8:00 a.m., officiated by Father Antonio Moreno.
After a short break we will begin the conference in the St. Joseph Parish Hall.
Coffee & light refreshments will be provided during the break.
Registration forms can be turned into your parish offices.
Please make checks payable to St. Joseph’s Church.
Register early and submit the nonrefundable fee to insure your spot and a count for lunch.
This year we are fortunate to have 3 guest speakers; Angela Sealana, Jeannette Santos from San Antonio and Father Antonio Moreno.
Please bring pen and paper (notebook or journal) with which to take notes.
Religious items will also be on sale during the lunch break.
The conference will end at 3:00 p.m.
Registration Deadline: February 20, 2015.
For more information you may contact:
Margot Fernández: 734-0313
Leticia Martínez: 734-6857
Midiam Flores: 734-3959
María Berny: 719-0303
Del Rio Women of Hope
Our Mission Statement:
“United with our Blessed Mother;
inspiring women to build a Catholic Foundation
to teach, strengthen & empower their family
by trusting God our Father, Jesus his Son and the Holy Spirit.”