Afterwords: Not quite ten (10) things, just nine (9) things about humility

1) View difficult people as God’s gift to keep us humble and human. 2) God honors the humble , and humbles the haughty. 3) Have a humble acceptance of self and others. 4) Be humble or we will stumble all over our pride. 5) The only requirement from God is our very human and our very humble submission. 6) Our mistakes make us more humble in our humanity and more empathetic with everyone else’s humanity. 7) The greatest weapon is humility because no one can fight it and no one can defeat it. Humility wins all wars waged against humanity. 8) Pray for God to enlarge our love - expand our perspective - enhance our humility - enliven our life. 9) Our humility , meekness and surrender brings us more of God’s Faith to boost our faith, more of God’s Hope to boost our hope and more of God’s Love to boost our love.