The most powerful and successful nation in history stands on the brink of destruction. The power obsessed, quasi-religious secular leftists are implementing agendas to destroy our Christian Founded Republic, replacing it with suffocating big government Socialism, leading to third world inflation, shortages of everything, drug addictions, cruel poverty, and runaway crime in government dependency. Some of you remember Obama’s world-wide apology tour for America’s greatness upon his election, and his eight years of anemic I.8 percent GDP growth. It was as if they hated America, constantly condemning her as irredeemably racist, while she is melting pot most likely the least racist nation in human history. Today our ruler’s ignore reality, fundamental laws of economies, spending us into bankrupting poverty as pathological dishonest secularist, wanting to be dictator gods. They whisper, the spending orgy will cost nary a cent, reducing poverty as it drowns us with inflation after onl...