Honest Elections or a Dead Republic by Gene Chapman


The most powerful and successful nation in history stands on the brink of destruction. The power obsessed, quasi-religious secular leftists are implementing agendas to destroy our Christian Founded Republic, replacing it with suffocating big government Socialism, leading to third world inflation, shortages of everything, drug addictions, cruel poverty, and runaway crime in government dependency.

Some of you remember Obama’s world-wide apology tour for America’s greatness upon his election, and his eight years of anemic I.8 percent GDP growth. It was as if they hated America, constantly condemning her as irredeemably racist, while she is melting pot most likely the least racist nation in human history. Today our ruler’s ignore reality, fundamental laws of economies, spending us into bankrupting poverty as pathological dishonest secularist, wanting to be dictator gods. They whisper, the spending orgy will cost nary a cent, reducing poverty as it drowns us with inflation after only ten months of his nation destroying rule. Who can deny he was handed a robust, growing economy, only slowed by China’s Covid release?

Little wonder that even Democrat voters are running away from Biden’s destructive transforming of America. They should be welcomed with open arms as fellow patriots. The United States has led the world in most every metric for over a century. We were number one in education, a dominant free market capitalist economy, a dominating military advantage seeking peace, with the best work ethic by far over competitors. The world feared, loved or respected us, adopting many of the merits that made America great. Entrepreneurship was rewarded without rancor, changing the world.

Then the sixties came, and Roosevelt’s free stuff morphed into an albatrosses as individual responsibility declined, and irresponsible government forced equity took root. A very few knuckleheads are against helping the poor, the disadvantaged with programs and goals to make them proudly self-sufficient. It is just that one Party learned they could win elections by making more dependent upon government, then divide and conquer others with favored legislation such as women against men, sexual persuasions against straight, Religious against Secular, and here we are with politically correct burning, looting, killing, hating divided America.

For the first time, the left does not require any part of work in the disaster handing out easy street the House passed last week, now in the Senate. After decades of easier living leadership, the Chinese communist have emerged as a most formidable adversary, but it didn’t have to happen.

After eight years of fundamentally changing America, followed by four years of record recovery, on the way to world peaceful dominance again, then China COVID, and an election like never before! Some States choose to send out ballots to the entire voting registry, creating insecure mail-in voting.

In some swing States they had to win, poll watchers were not allowed. In Atlanta a commode leak that turned into phony tsunami with poll watchers and most election workers running for their lives, told to return tomorrow for continued counting. But they didn’t know the rented building had constant camera coverage, and the Democrats slipped back in, pulled out box after box of ballots hidden under three longer tables, and began to merrily march down the road to victory with a smile on their faces, running some batches of ballots through the counting machines multiple times, not knowing they were being filmed.

Trump went to bed, thinking he won with a record breaking near 75 million votes for an incumbent candidate, and woke up to an 81 million vote Biden victory, campaigning from his basement. The Hillary/Obama deep state had won in the most honest election in history? Is it fair for Facebook, changing their name to Meta, to give the Democrat party near a half billion dollars over and above the government paid for election? Rumors were that some election leaders were paid $800.00, and workers $600.00 over and above government pay for a night’s work. With minimal coverage, the Durham Special Counsel is slowly working up the chain of FBI leadership corruption, with one FBI lawyer pleading guilty, two other Hillary associates with coming trials, and more to come?

I am afraid to hope for honest justice, but the Washington Post was first to insinuate they were misled by the FBI and didn’t know it was Hillary colluding with Russia, rather than Trump. I observed a current picture of Bob Woodward, and he sure has aged badly. The New York Times, a week later, almost admitted the same culpability. MSNBC and CNN may never get the news. I know I read somewhere that Hillary’s lawyer was no longer working with the powerful Washington D.C. Democrat law firm, Perkins-Coie. I wondered why. He was the election expert. “It is the most egregious journalistic (errors) in modern history”, writes Sara Fischer,” and the media’s response to its own mistakes has so far been tepid.”

A Rasmussen poll conducted Nov. 17-18, 2020 finds that many Democrats agree the election was rigged. A 30 percent of Democrats thought it likely stolen, 20 percent very likely stolen, unaffiliated 39% likely stolen, 29% very likely, and Republicans 75 % likely, 61% very likely, but one takes a chance just repeating public polls. Does that remind one of the Old Russian KGB? One may ask why it matters? Only our future greatness as a Constitutional Republic is at stake.

To maximize growth and prosperity, we must minimize government! Socialism, communism requires sheeple people, a colossal government spying on the sheeple, only government growth allowed, and always ends in brutal hunger, torture, and eventual death. Why do you think the left wants open borders? Our southern neighbors open their jails for good riddance, and they join with caravans coming with the most notable MS-13 breaking off as got always. They know they can never win an honest election, so they accept all unvetted comers seeking a voting majority.

My gut instinct tells me that America is going to win. Honest prosperity never causes inflation, but government over printing money always does. Lower taxes, fewer regulation always grows the middleclass as Democrat John Kennedy and Donald Trump proved. The left today is printing and spending money our grandchildren will never be able to pay, so we have inflation, the cruelest tax of all on the poor.

The Democrats will walk barefooted on the coals of a super-hot fire to raise taxes, giving them a larger government for power. America will not accept 80 thousand new IRS agent’s searching through patriot’s bank account writing a $30.00 check, looking for a hundred-dollar tax cheat. A ragtag, underfunded group of patriots once subdued the world’s greatest, most feared military to live under our Constitution in freedom, the first of its kind in all of history.

The Washington based FBI leadership, not the rank and file, has lost all credibility, now allegedly investigating moms and dads worried about the teaching of critical race theory to their children in school. They gave ANTIFA/BLM, communist supported, a free politically correct, anti-Trump pass for 2020, a year of looting, burning, killing, while working with the deep State to make all patriots the enemy of the good.

What Durham, and a few brave reporters, are uncovering, may well be the most ambitious dirty trick election in all of history. America will survive and bloom anew, only if we have honest elections, even in Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. We must someway return to our Constitutional Republic under God and be great and good for generations more, with truth prevailing over dirty, secular pathological lying, evil control, with only one side of news permitted.

Gene Chapman