America Building back Bankrupt by Gene Chapman


I watched Shucks Tudd’s Meet the Press disinformation last Sunday. It was all about horrible Donald Trump, and lovable Joe Biden.  Old Shucks was pushing Republican Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland to run against Trump, thinking a barley Republican, near Democrat candidate was the perfect one to beat Trump. It was really a silly program; shucking and jiving about voters really didn’t intend to vote for Virginia’s new governor Glenn Youngkin, and the 13 newly Republicans State legislators, taking control of the Senate.  The voters were misled, dedicated to believing their children were indoctrinated rather than educated in school. They were so dumb they didn’t believe that Joe Biden received 81 million votes, breaking by far Trump’s new record of near 75 million votes, in the same election campaigning from his basement.

They didn’t mention that Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan redacted notes revealed, and that Trump’s Russian collusion was Hillary’s paid for colluding with Russia to defeat Trump. Special Counsel John Durham is working his way up the chain of corruption with three indictments done, and more to come. The Washington Post sort of covered it, claiming they had been misled. The FBI leadership will follow suit. But some of you understand it was only the democrat Deep State past desperate to control all of government, terrified, understanding that Trump couldn’t be bought.

With Trump and America in charge, boy how it changed! A record middleclass explosion, no inflation, record honest stock market from Obama’s 18,000 to near 36,000, world dominant oil production with $1.67 gas in Del Rio on Biden’s takeover, and more jobs than workers. According to Bloomberg, America created 1,700 new millionaires under eight years of Obama, too many associated with government, and 4,657 in four years of Trump, with minorities and women doing well, most all in the public marketplace. Trump did this with policies changes, under constant fake news attack every day of his presidency, and with Democrats in charge of Congress for his last two years   

I watched Biden take full credit for an economy sort of going back to work, after a nightmare of troubling China Covid-19 attacks in Trump’s last year, and Democrat approved burning, looting, and killing. This is still Trump’s economy; only short the removed government regulations that Trump removed, and Biden reinstated, plus the stoppage of the keystone XL pipeline from Canada to Houston, making your gas ever cheaper. Biden is contemplating shutting down the second oil pipeline from Canada to Michigan to further limit our international oil dominance, and drive gas even higher. The left wants to end combustion engines, even as our pollution was down under Trump, and we are not ready for $100,000 electric cars. Oregon Democrat Representative Earl Blumenauer, a real piece of work, claimed his district hit a scalding 180 degrees this summer, speaking at a United Nations Climate Summit, saying people died. The hottest temperature ever recorded is 134 degrees at Death Valley California in 1913, over a century ago.

I have never witnessed so much disinformation in the news ever! The FBI is losing credibility as the Durham investigation progresses. Arizona election officials in Maricopa County refused to provide the keys to open their election, the last I heard. Now Georgia reported that all or most all ballots in fifty-six counties have been lost or destroyed. There are 28 Counties where all ballots were destroyed. Federal law requires that all election material be preserved for 22 months after the election, and Georgia requires 24 months. DeKalb County, Atlanta, where most of the fraud occurred, is now impossible to audit. How convenient for the most honest election in history, and near half a billion dollars given to the Democrat election operation by desperate anti-Trump Mark Zuckerberg, of Facebook. Twitter, Google, and others simply made Trump disappear, but minorities everywhere are drifting toward voting Trump Republican. They understand the left wants to keep them poor, voting Democrat, rather than having ghetto opportunity zones owning their own businesses, moving on up to middleclass or beyond. Val Verde was joined by Gonzales County on the border voting Right, several other near misses and all border counties moving Right. I’ve always known the border wanted jobs and opportunities, over government programs. They don’t want more vote harvesters pestering them, they want less.

While the Democrats and LeBron James, are making fun of the now 18-year-old kid’s tears, on trial for murder in the shooting two ex-convicts pointing guns at him during last summer’s ANTIFA/BLM rioting and burning of Kenosha, Wisconsin. They say his tears are simply a ploy for sympathy. Please watch the Nancy Pelosi orchestrated, carefully selected witnesses testifying at a January 6th dog and pony congressional hearing. Congresspersons, the mature shooter who killed the only one dying that day, with not a single weapon found on any trespassers, but most all, if not all cried the crocodile tears routine very poorly!

Am I the only one in America wondering why 4 or 5 Capitol police officers committed suicide after that sad day? I am certain there are real tears shed for them by someone, but it’s as if, they never lived.

Gene Chapman