Lenten Journey 2011 - March 29, 2011 - Presenter: Fr. Antonio O. Moreno - Week 9: Living Water, Gift from God

(Received as email) Knights of Columbus Bible Tuesday 7:00 p.m. K. C. Hall Hwy 90 - Del Rio, Texas Opening Prayer/ Psalm 95 Lenten Journey: Third Sunday of Lent (cycle A) First Reading; Exodus 17:3-7, the Israelites murmured against God in thirst. God directs Moses to strike a rock with his staff, and water issues forth. The Responsorial Psalm is Psalm 95, “if today you hear his voice harden not your hearts.” Second Reading; Romans 5:1-8, Through Jesus we have received the grace of faith. The love of God has been poured upon us. Jesus laid down his life for us while we were still sinners. The Gospel; John 4:5-42, Jesus speaks to the Samaritan woman at the well. He searches her soul, and she recognizes him as a prophet. Jesus speaks of the water of eternal life. He also notes the fields are ready for harvest. Catechism of the Catholic Church Living waters-Baptism CCC 1265 Baptism not only purifies from all sins, but also makes us neoph...