Showing posts from February, 2011
Lenten Journey 2011 - March 1, 2011 - Presenter: Fr. Antonio O Moreno - Week 5: God's Mercy and Hope
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( Received in email ) Knights of Columbus Bible Study Tuesday 7:00 p.m. K. C. Hall Hwy 90 - Del Rio, Texas Opening prayer / Psalm 130 “If you, O Lord should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But with you is found forgiveness, that you may be revered” Psalm 130: 3-4 St. Mark 2: 1-2 (forgiveness and healing of the paralytic) Those that Jesus Heals receive God’s hope and mercy Through the sacraments of Christian initiation we receive the new life of Christ. But the weakness of human nature and our inclination to sin continues to remain and affect our lives. The Catholic Church offers us the sacraments of healing to assist in our daily journeys of conversion and reconciliation. During his earthy ministry, Jesus forgave sins and healed those who were physically and spiritually broken. Those he forgave were healed, renewed in faith and restored to health of mind and body. The Church continues even today, in the power of the Holy Spirit, the healing work of Jesus Christ. Thi...
Reflection on Father Moreno’s Homily: February 27, 2011
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When Father Moreno was eight (8) years old he was the richest man in town. He had a cigar box that held his greatest treasure. He mentioned that back then cigar boxes were used to carry crayons, pencils and rulers to school; they were today’s backpacks. His cigar box had a dollar he stole from his sister, they always gave her money since she was the only girl, and no he is still not resentful after all these years. He had a mummified frog that he found in the river that he used to torment his sister with. It was great fun! He also had a candle that he stole from church, someone’s prayers. And yes he confessed the dollar he stole from his sister, how he tormented his sister with the mummified frog and the candle he stole from church. In those days people went to Confession every Saturday to confess their sins. He would go to church and sit there where it was quiet and cool inside. He remembers the Sister in charge of the CCD classes being all upset because someone would s...
Empty Bowls fundraiser - Sunday, February 27 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Casa de la Cultura, 302 Cantu/Brown Plaza in Del Rio, Texas
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Empty Bowls - Casa de la Cultura 302 Cantu at Brown Plaza in Del Rio, Texas - Sunday, February 27 from 11 am - 2 pm
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Knights of Columbus Mardi Gras in Del Rio, Texas - Tuesday, March 8 from 7 - 9 p.m.
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Holy Wood Studio: Training Future Actors, Calling Christians into the Culture
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By Deacon Keith Fournier 2/19/2011 Catholic Online ( ) Holy Wood Acting Studio holds its Grand opening Event on March 25, 2011 and an extensive course begins on March 28, 2011 We need Christians to respond to the call of Christ the Divine Artist and take their place in creating new "epiphanies' of beauty"; people who can help others to do the same by pursuing the vocation of the arts. I am thrilled to report on a new venture which is taking this task to heart by training future actors. The leaders of this effort, rather than retreat from Hollywood, have set up a new studio right in its heart. It is called Holy Wood Acting Studio . I recently had the privilege of speaking with the CEO and President of Holy Wood Studio, Carlos Espinosa. He and his wife Stella founded the effort. They are people of genuine, living Catholic Christian faith. I urge our global readers to enter this web site and experience the vision of people who truly unders...
Lenten Journey 2011 - February 15, 2011 - Presenter: Fr. Antonio O Moreno - Week 4: Today if you hear his voice
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( Received in email ) Knights of Columbus Bible Study – Tuesday 7:00 p.m. K. C. Hall Hwy 90 - Del Rio, Texas Opening Prayer/ Psalm 95 Psalm 77: 11-14 – “I will call to mind the deeds of the Lord: yes, I will remember your wonders of old.” Psalm 96: 2-3 – “Sing to the Lord, bless his name, tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations; his marvelous works among all the people.” Faithful to His promise, God guides history As Christians we believe that God’s plan to save humanity is revealed in and through the events of human history. God is not remote distant being, nor is He a pure philosophical abstraction. Rather Christians believe in a personal God who is love. And we believe that God, out of relentless love, chose to reveal Himself in a series of unfolding historical stages recorded for us in the books of the Bible. We call this biblical and historical recorded of God’s words and actions the “history of salvation” or “salvation history.” The dram...
Cuaresmales del 7 al 11 de Marzo en la Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe en Del Rio, Texas
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Afterwords: Pray Don't Complain
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Don’t pray for rain and then complain that it’s too wet. Don’t pray for sunshine and then complain that it’s too hot. Don’t pray for a breeze and then complain that it’s too windy. Don’t pray for snow and then complain that it’s too cold. Don’t pray for another birthday and then complain that you’re too old.
Confession:Fr. Barron comments on The iPhone App and the Return to Confession
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Afterwords: Ten (10) Peaceful Pointers to Ponder
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1) You are now entering a positive, productive and peaceful place. 2) Make space for God and not for more stuff. Less stuff, more space, more peace . 3) God, our Peace and Joy, may we live in peace and look forward to each day with joy. 4) Peace is possible; inner peace and world peace . 5) Think peace . 6) God is leading us by granting us peace when we are on the right path and granting us restlessness when we need to redirect our route. 7) Self-exaltation leads to pride, self-deprecation leads to paralysis; only selflessness leads to peace . 8) God’s Way may not seem pleasing and perfect to us; but it is pleasing and perfect to God and it is the only way that leads us to the only peace possible. 9) Silent presence brings peace whereas a plethora of speech can sometimes bring pain. 10) The most peaceful and perfect, safe and secure place is in the Hands of God, in the center of God’s Will.
Afterwords: Life Lessons
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1) There are sweet lessons and there are sour lessons and there are sweet and sour lessons ; all of them make up life’s curriculum of lessons to be learned. 2) God is teaching us lessons so we can pass the Ultimate Test. 3) There are lessons to be learned and teachings to be taught. 4) How marvelous are the lessons we learn from our mistakes.
Lenten Journey 2011 - February 15, 2011 - Presenter: Fr Antonio O Moreno - Week 3: Light and Darkness on the Easter Road
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( Received in email ) Knights of Columbus Bible Study – Tuesday 7:00 p.m. K. C. Hall Hwy 90 - Del Rio, Texas Opening prayer : Psalm 103 Theme : “…Love your God with all your heart…” Det. 6: 5 Scripture : Jer. 31: 31-34 Why does the Lord want to make a new convent with the house of Israel and the house of Judah? For over forty years Jeremiah had walk the streets of Jerusalem preaching, warning, entreating the people to return to a real relationship with the true God. For forty years he was predicting this destruction that would come if they insisted on turning their backs on the only One who could protect them. They did not listen. God’s messenger, they whipped him, they put him in stocks, they threw him into a muddy pit, they put him in prison, and they accused him of treason and plotted to kill him. Even his own brother, members of his own family (Jer. 12:6) The leading theme in the book of Jeremiah is to make clear distinction between true and false worship of God. The real p...
Lenten Journey 2011 - February 8, 2011 - Presenter: Fr Antonio O Moreno - Week 2: Way of Exodus
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( Received in email ) Knights of Columbus Bible Study – Tuesday 7:00 p.m. K. C. Hall Hwy 90 - Del Rio, Texas Opening prayer : Psalm 22: 1-12 Theme : Way of Exodus a Covenant relationship Scripture Jeremiah 31: 31-34 Spiritual Preparation : Today we began to move from crisis to conversion. The prophet Jeremiah calls us to enter the Exodus/Covenant relationship with a change of heart/a new perspective. Read Jeremiah 31: 31-34 “The days are coming, says the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.” Questions : 1. What is a Covenant? 2. Why does the Lord have to make a new Covenant? What is a Covenant? A covenant is an agreement between two partners which is solemnized through a ritual action, involves specific mutual obligations, and is expressed through concrete signs. These elements of covenant remain consistent through the centuries. The image of “covenant” remains present from Abraham’s day to our own, but the und...
Afterwords: Sweet Sixteen (16) Things about God’s Love
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1) Don’t say: “I don’t have anything and I can’t do anything.” We have God’s love and we can pray. With God’s love and our prayer we have everything. 2) God never sees us as losers, He only sees us with Love . 3) God loves us so much He is sending us angels all around us to guide us and direct us. 4) Only God meets all our needs through His Perfect Love . 5) God is smiling right now as you read this because He wants you to always remember and never forget that He loves you. God loves you so much that He utilizes all means to convey this message to you and right now He is utilizing this blog post to let you know just how much He has always loved you, He is loving you now and He will always love you forever no matter if you believe in Him or not, or if you love Him or not. Always remember and never forget God loves you no matter what you do or don’t do. God loves you unconditionally always and forever. 6) God wants you to know that He loves you and cares about y...
Lenten Journey 2011 - February 1, 2011 - Presenter: Fr Antonio O Moreno - Week 1: Jeremiah – Prophet in a time of crisis and conversion
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( Received in email ) Knights of Columbus Bible Study – Tuesday 7:00 p.m. K. C. Hall Hwy 9 0 - Del Rio, Texas Opening prayer : Psalm 25 Theme : Jeremiah a prophet for our Lenten journey Scripture Reading : Psalm 25 St. Matthew 16: 13-19 Jeremiah 1: 1-10 1. Need to prepare for the journey 2. Need to focus on what we take on our journey 3. Need to be open and trusting to new ideas during the journey Spiritual preparation : 1. Respond to Jesus’ question found in the Gospel of St. Matthew (16:13-19) – “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” 2. Jesus calls us disciples – What is a disciple? 3. What is Jeremiah’s prophetic message in the context of Christian Baptism? – What is Christian Baptism? 4. How do we respond to Jeremiah’s call to follow the Lord Jesus? – read Jeremiah 1: 1-10 5. Our Lenten journey is a call to healing
1st Women's ACTS Retreat at Sacred Heart in Del Rio, Texas
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Parish Mission - March 21, 22 & 23 - Sacred Heart Church - Del Rio, Texas
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Reflection on Father Moreno’s Homily: February 13, 2011
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There were four (4) little tables and four (4) little chairs for children. There were Barbie’s, plastic pistols, coloring books, crayons and stickers. Father Moreno was doing his Master’s thesis research on how different genders react. He was behind a two-way mirror looking at how boys and girls react differently. A group of five (5) year old little girls came in the room and were asked to sit and don’t touch anything until they were told to do so. He said some little girls chose the plastic pistols. He recalls this one particular little girl, dressed all pretty and cute, and she picked up the Barbie doll and started tearing off the doll’s arms, legs and hair, all that was left was the doll’s torso. It was shocking to see all the anger this little girl had. In today’s readings we are told to tear out our eyes and arms; but this is only hyperbole, we are not to take it literally because mutilating our bodies is against God’s will. Hyperbole is exaggerated speech, very dramatic. J...
Catholic Men's Conference March 25 & 26, 2011 in San Antonio, Texas
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Legion of Mary Rosary for Antonia Santos Deceased Legion of Mary Auxiliary Member on Sunday, February 13 at 6:00 p.m. at Sunset Funeral Home in Del Rio, Texas
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Antonia Santos, Deceased Legion of Mary Auxiliary Member
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Antonia T. Santos, age 88, entered into rest February 10, 2011 in Del Rio, Texas. She was born May 10, 1922 in Del Rio, Texas. She was preceded in death by her husband Victor C. Santos. Parents, Elias and Maria Torres. Brothers, Fernando Torres, Guadalupe Torres, Simon Torres, Alfonso Torres and Everardo Torres. Sister, Feliz Sorola. Left to cherish her memory is her son, Victor Santos III, and wife Sandra. Daughters, Maria de Jesus Berny and husband Tom, Maria Alicia Sauceda and husband Felix, Maria Antonia Fernandez and husband Arturo, Marisella Urueta and husband Ramon. Brothers Marcelo Torres, Nieves Torres. Sister Inez Alfaro. Grandchildren, Edward John Koslowska and wife Gloria, Albert Lee Sauceda and wife Mary, Mark Anthony Sauceda and wife Stephanie, Arturo Fernandez Jr., Gilda Yanet Darden and husband Joseph, Victor Santos, IV, Andrea Maria Urueta, Adriana Rae Urueta. 5 great-grandchildren, numerous nieces and nephews. Gentlemen left with the honor of Pallbearers: Edward J...