Lenten Journey 2011 - February 8, 2011 - Presenter: Fr Antonio O Moreno - Week 2: Way of Exodus

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Knights of Columbus Bible Study – Tuesday 7:00 p.m.
K. C. Hall Hwy 90 - Del Rio, Texas

Opening prayer: Psalm 22: 1-12

Theme: Way of Exodus a Covenant relationship

Jeremiah 31: 31-34

Spiritual Preparation:
Today we began to move from crisis to conversion. The prophet Jeremiah calls us to enter the Exodus/Covenant relationship with a change of heart/a new perspective.

Read Jeremiah 31: 31-34

“The days are coming, says the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.”

1. What is a Covenant?

2. Why does the Lord have to make a new Covenant?

What is a Covenant?

A covenant is an agreement between two partners which is solemnized through a ritual action, involves specific mutual obligations, and is expressed through concrete signs. These elements of covenant remain consistent through the centuries.

The image of “covenant” remains present from Abraham’s day to our own, but the understanding of what the image means and the way in which that understanding is expressed in word and ritual changes in light of new experiences. It is not that our experience and understanding is right. Rather, early understandings are stepping stones toward deeper perceptions.

Example: God’s covenant with Abraham (Gen 15: 1-17 and Gen17: 1-8)

Timeline of historical events and people
behind the Biblical interpretation
of the image “Covenant”

1850 B.C. Abraham
1250 B.C. Moses
1200 B.C. Joshua
1000 B.C. David, Nathan and the kingdom
745-722 B.C. Hosea
640-609 Josiah
609-567 B.C. Jeremiah’s preaching after Josiah’s death
593-571 B.C. Ezekiel
587-537 B.C. Babylonian exile
30 A.D. Jesus’ public ministry, passion, death and resurrection