Pro-Life Novena for Unborn Babies - September 29th - October 7th, 2010

Catholic PRWire MEMPHIS, TN (August 25, 2010) - The Saint Michael the Archangel Organization has begun coordinating a multinational PRO-LIFE NOVENA FOR UNBORN BABIES. This September 29th - October 7th, 2010 Novena consists of the 10,000 Masses for Unborn Babies Novena and the 10,000 Rosary Novenas for Unborn Babies. All Masses and Rosaries will be offered for one intention: For the protection of unborn human persons. A person may be a participant in the PRO-LIFE NOVENA FOR UNBORN BABIES by doing one or both of the following: 1) Schedule to have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered on at least one of the 9 days of the Novena (Each Mass should be offered for the protection of unborn human persons); 2) Pray the Rosary on each day of the Novena (Each Rosary should be prayed for the protection of unborn human persons). The website has much information about the Novena, including: 1) How to register; 2) Two counters on th...