The words of Father Corapi - Parts III/IV

The words of Father Corapi – Parts III/IV

The Legion of Mary

The following is a synopsis of the third (3rd) talk given by Father Corapi, August 7in San Antonio during his conference entitled: “Life, Love and the Purpose of our Existence”.

Part III

We must put God first, everybody else next and ourselves last, because the last shall become first in the Kingdom of God.

We must not become discouraged or disillusioned; we are not to have an impoverished or diminished view of life and love. We must expand and live more fully, giving ourselves away, and marveling at God’s miracles. God is the substance and summit of our being.

We are to love God first, out of love for the good. Our relationship with God must come first. This doesn’t happen by chance or by accident; this is accomplished by our prayer life, our sacramental life and our virtuous life.

He emphatically reiterated that Love is not a feeling; love is a decision, an act of the will. We must decide to love to the fullest and to live to the fullest. God will do his part and we must do our part.

Nothing in this life compares to our eternal salvation.

What do we do to save our souls? Love is the answer, love holds the key.

It’s one thing to know it; it’s another thing to do it.

Do we even know the Ten (10) Commandments? Then how can we live the Ten (10) Commandments.

Faith is to believe in God and to believe in all that God has said. God has revealed Truth and He is Truth Itself.

Real faith equals real love. We are to live the fullness of life that God calls us to live. God works through human instruments. We know God through Jesus.

We are not to confirm someone in their sin; we are to confidently, courageously and compassionately pray for them to come to know the love Jesus Christ.

We are in a moral swamp and we have the 21st century survival manual for our moral and spiritual life. We are behind enemy lines in this world because we live in a neo-pagan society. We are not to be killed or be held captive, we must escape and evade from the enemy.

Our purpose in life is to get from Point A to Point B. We are here at Point A and we want to get to Point B in heaven.

We must tell everyone that the unborn child is not a potential human being; the unborn child is a human being with potential.

We must all ask ourselves, “Have I done enough?” We must all do something about the condition of our current circumstances.

Part of love is action; we are called to get up and fight and go forward to restore the dignity of the human person.

All of us are called to excellence, called to heroism. We must fight with our spiritual weapons.

The following is a synopsis of the fourth (4th) talk given by Father Corapi, August 7in San Antonio during his conference entitled: “Life, Love and the Purpose of our Existence”.

Father Corapi shared with the audience that he was born in 1947 and currently lives in Montana with his three (3) dogs.

“Love the desire to get to heaven.” – St. John Vianney

Part IV
The spiritual, supernatural, eternal life is most of our life; we will live forever in eternity. How we live now is how we will live forever.

This is our proving ground; the degree of charity we have on earth is the degree of glory we will have in eternity.

We are to live a self sacrificing life.

The vertical dimension from us to God and the horizontal dimension from us to others: our cross; we are to embrace the cross.

The degree of sacrifice we make is the degree we love.

Grace is not cheap, we need to pray and do penance and accept our trials and tribulations.

We are called to be Christ centered and not self centered by doing difficult things during difficult times.

In order to accomplish our mission we must be galvanized into action to live the purpose of our existence.

The degree that we enter into God is the degree that we enter into love.

Jesus is Life and Mary his mother is our Mother of Life. We enter into the Immaculate Heart of Mary when we place ourselves there. Placing ourselves and others in the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a conscious act of the will. Jesus was conceived in Mary’s Heart before He was conceived in her Womb.

Whatever it takes to accomplish the mission we must be willing to do.

We are to take refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary by asking the Blessed Virgin Mary to take care of everyone and to do it with confidence and trust. Jesus I trust in you.

When Father Corapi found himself frozen with fear he had the inspiration to say the following prayer a thousand times a day for 33 days: “Immaculate Heart of Mary, I place all my trust in you”. It is our Mother Mary helping one of her children.

We are to tend the mystical garden of God which needs:
- Soil, which is humility for spiritual growth,
- Seeds, which is the Word of God which germinates and bears fruit,
- Sunlight, which is Truth and Light, and
- Water, which is the life giving water of the Holy Spirit.

There in the mystical garden of God we are to find a secure place where life and love flourish and which is the consummation of the purpose of human life.

The Blessed Virgin Mary was the perfect disciple and we are to imitate her. Our Lady leads us to Our Lord, and Jesus leads us to God where we become who we are in the Body of Christ.

Members of the Legion of Mary of Our Lady of Guadalupe attended the talks by Father Corapi and have written of their visit.
Articles were written from notes taken by Marian Casillas, Ed.D. and Damianita (Diamond) Dena.