Angel in the Waters

In its mother’s womb, a tiny baby grows, explores the waters, and talks with the angel who is there.
 These gentle illustrations and wise words tell the story of that baby and the angel in the waters . . . a story that delights all children, because the journey from conception to birth is their story, too.

Regina Doman is the author of several books for young adults, including most recently Black as Night: A Fairy Tale Retold ( Bethlehem Books) and is the series editor of Catholic Teen Novel Project (Sophia). Ms. Doman wrote Angel in the Waters while expecting her first child in 1995. Today she and her husband have five children. She recalls how the book came about:
"My youngest sister Anna started to talk when she was not even two years old. My sister Alicia who was studying early childhood education had read that some young children who learn to talk early can describe life in the womb. So Alicia asked Anna if she remembered being in Mommy's tummy.
'Yes,' Anna said.
'What was it like?' Alicia asked.
Anna said, 'It was warm, and dark, and there was an angel there.'"

Ben Hatke is an artist and illustrator working in Virginia where he lives with his wife, daughter, two cats, and eleven chickens. As he illustrated this book, he and his wife began waiting and preparing for their second child to emerge from the waters.
 He created the striking illustrations for Angel in the Waters using a blend of traditional and digital media.
Ben is currently working on an assortment of children's book and comic book projects.

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