Letter to the Editor, Box-Office Hits: Faith-Based, Family-Friendly Movies You've heard of the celebrity news program "Entertainment Tonight", well this is a segment from "Entertainment for Eternity" with hosts Antonietta Brown and Henrietta Barro-Cazar discussing values-based movies again scoring big in 2015. Antonietta: Movieguide has just released the findings of a comprehensive study of the box-office results and content of last year’s movies and found that, once again, movie-goers prefer wholesome messaging in their entertainment. Movie-goers continue to prefer movies with strong conservative values over films with more liberal themes; by a margin of more than 12 to 1! Henrietta: Movieguide reports that of the 275 films reviewed, movies with strong pro-American, patriotic, capitalist, anti-socialist, anti-communist content and values made much more money per movie than movies with anti-American, anti-pa...