AMERICA’S BLESSED FOUNDING In the beginning the settlers came to America seeking religious freedom! In 1608, disgruntled English protestants fled England for Holland, escaping the pledge of allegiance to the Church of England, which they believed to be idolatrous. Finding Holland even more secular, determined to find, and move to a place without government religious interference, or worldly distractions, so wrote their leader William Bradford. The separatists, calling themselves Saints, in 1610 returned to England to raise funds, choosing the new world wilderness of America, without government, as the correct place to settle. A prominent merchant gave them the advance funds, and the Virginia Company gave them permission to establish a settlement on the east coast, between the 38- and 41-degrees latitudes, located between Chesapeake Bay, and the mouth of the Hudson River. The King gave them permission to leave, so long as they acted peacefully. August 1620, the so-called Sai...