Showing posts from January, 2022
Stand with the Texas Heartbeat Act by Texas Right to Life
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Personal Reflection: From HEARTBEAT to Heartbeat to heartbeat From the HEARTBEAT OF GOD, to the Heartbeat of the Parents (Father and Mother), to the heartbeat of the baby. Hear the Heavenly HEARTBEAT OF GOD, beating through the Heartbeat of the earthly parents, father and mother coming together to miraculously create the developing heartbeat of the baby in the mother’s womb. Out of the millions of men and women in the world, this man and this women people came together and out of the millions of eggs and sperms, this particular sperm penetrated this particular ovum and the two came together to create a totally unique, unrepeatable and one-of-a-kind person with distinct and separate DNA from the parents. We can physically hear the heartbeat of the baby in the sonogram but we can’t audibly hear the HEARTBEAT OF GOD which spiritually echoes forever in eternity.
Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Receives Thank You Phone Calls From Children by TheFirstTV
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Catholic Accountability Project by Catholic Vote
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CatholicVote is launching a big new project. It’s called the Catholic Accountability Project . Its purpose is simple. It’s time to hold Catholic leaders and institutions accountable. THINK ABOUT THIS : Nearly 56% of the Catholics in the House of Representatives are pro-abortion. Catholics! Over half of the Catholics in the United States Senate also shamelessly support lethal violence against unborn children. Hospitals, charities, and media organizations that hold themselves out as Catholic also often fail to uphold foundational moral teachings of the Church. And let’s not forget about the universities… Faithful Catholics have a duty to hold these public leaders and institutions accountable. Indeed, millions of American Catholics have been clamoring for decades for someone to do something. The integrity of our Church – and all that we profess to believe – is at stake. It’s time to act. Your Catho...
Texas Tech’s Raiders Defending Life
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Texas Tech’s Raiders Defending Life was started 7 years ago by a brave young student who is now a leader at Texas Right to Life. These Pro-Life Texas Tech students have now started a scholarship for pregnant and parenting students at their school. And they helped pass the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance, making Lubbock the largest city to outlaw abortion. These are the types of leaders Texas needs. Education is key if we are to change our culture into one where all lives are valued. Thank God they are a pivotal part of the Pro-Life Movement of Texas!
In memoriam: Dr Alice von Hildebrand (1923-2022) by Voice of the Family
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Dr Alice von Hildebrand, philosopher and wife of the late Dr Dietrich von Hildebrand, died on 14 January at the age of 98. A professor at Hunter College in New York City for 37 years, Alice von Hildebrand was, without doubt, one of the most remarkable Catholic intellectuals of our time. In a moving interview which she gave to the Catholic News Agency in 2014, she said, “God has chosen the pattern of my life — totally different from what I had imagined. I feel like the female Habakkuk brought into the lion’s den.” Alice von Hildebrand loved the Church and laboured for her honour, publishing several books and innumerable essays. Her writings on morality and on true femininity are particularly important today and perhaps key to healing the many fractures surrounding questions which remain essential to us. Alice von Hildebrand pointed to the privileged position that has been granted to women in the Economy of Salvation, from the Annunciation to the Resurrection and beyond. The holy...
Hope for America: The pro-life movement full steam ahead at the 2022 March for Life by LifeSiteNews
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The 2022 March For Life was a resounding success with turnout as large as ever, despite attempts by the District of Columbia to discourage attendance with harsh vaccine restrictions. This year took on a special significance after last year's March was canceled and the possibility that the U.S. Supreme Court could repeal Roe vs. Wade in June.
2022 March for Life: Father Mike Schmitz, keynote speaker by Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN)
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Father Mike Schmitz at March for Life Rally: ‘Every Person Matters’ by National Catholic Register ‘Every child matters. Every woman matters. Every person matters,’ Father Schmitz stated. Shannon Mullen January 21, 2022 WASHINGTON — The popular podcaster and YouTube star Father Mike Schmitz came well-prepared for his speech at the March for Life rally Friday. “The first speech I ever gave in my entire life was in eighth grade. We got a chance to choose any topic, any argument, any position,” he told a large crowd assembled at the National Mall. “I chose to talk about the dignity of human life from natural conception to natural death and the evil of abortion and euthanasia.” Born the year after the landmark Supreme Court abortion decision in Roe v. Wade , the gregarious 47-year-old priest of the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota, is best known for his The Bible in a Year podcast and his YouTube videos for Ascension, the Catholic multimedia publisher. A headline ...
Esperanza para el Futuro pospuesta por la Arquidiócesis de San Antonio por Marian Casillas, Ed.D. / “Hope for the Future” Postponed by the Archdiocese of San Antonio by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.
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El correo electrónico recibido el 10 de enero de 2022 dice: “Debido a la situación actual de Covid-19 en el condado de Bexar, y en consideración a nuestra comunidad arquidiocesana, hemos tomado la decisión de posponer la Khaki y Plaid Gala para el VIERNES 18 DE MARZO DE 2022 a las 7PM. Esta decisión se tomó después de mucha oración y discusiones con nuestros presidentes ejecutivos y honorarios, liderazgo y patrocinadores. ¡Esperamos verte en un mes más caliente! Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes, contáctenos en ” Declarado en el sitio web de la Arquidiócesis: “La misión de “Hope for the Future”, Esperanza para el Futuro, es ayudar a las familias a obtener los beneficios académicos y espirituales de una educación en una escuela católica en la Arquidiócesis de San Antonio a través de asistencia para la matriculación basada en la necesidad. Hope for the Future, Esperanza para el Futuro, también apoya a las escuelas a través de asistencias...
“Hope for the Future” Postponed by the Archdiocese of San Antonio by Marian Casillas, Ed.D./”Esperanza para el Futuro” pospuesta por la Arquidiócesis de San Antonio por Marian Casillas, Ed.D.
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The email received January 10, 2022 states: “Due to the current Covid-19 situation in Bexar County, and in consideration of our Archdiocesan Community, we have made the decision to postpone the Khaki & Plaid Gala to FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2022 at 7PM . This decision was made after a lot of prayer, and discussions with our honorary and executive chairs, leadership, and sponsors. We look forward to seeing you in a warmer month! For questions or concerns, please contact us at ” Stated on the Archdiocese website: “The mission of Hope for the Future is to assist families in obtaining the academic and spiritual benefits of a Catholic School education in the Archdiocese of San Antonio through need-based tuition assistance. Hope for the Future also supports the schools through grants for infrastructure, curriculum, and technology improvements.” Unfortunately, not only has The Gala fund-raiser for the project ...