Catholic Accountability Project by Catholic Vote


CatholicVote  is launching a big new project.


It’s called the Catholic Accountability Project.


Its purpose is simple. It’s time to hold Catholic leaders and institutions accountable. 


THINK ABOUT THIS: Nearly 56% of the Catholics in the House of Representatives are pro-abortion. Catholics! Over half of the Catholics in the United States Senate also shamelessly support lethal violence against unborn children. Hospitals, charities, and media organizations that hold themselves out as Catholic also often fail to uphold foundational moral teachings of the Church. And let’s not forget about the universities…


Faithful Catholics have a duty to hold these public leaders and institutions accountable. Indeed, millions of American Catholics have been clamoring for decades for someone to do something. The integrity of our Church – and all that we profess to believe – is at stake.


It’s time to act.


Your CatholicVote (CV) team is now collecting data on Catholic leaders in public life, institutions, and elected officials. We will be sharing this data with Catholics across the country as part of a massive media campaign. We will use our growing grassroots network, news, and media resources to publish, expose and hold them accountable.


Today we are starting with every Catholic in Congress. 


Is your U.S. senator or member of Congress a Catholic? You may be surprised.


You can check it out here.


So many elected officials in America call themselves “Catholic” and yet proudly flaunt their opposition to what the Church teaches and believes. Take Joe Biden.  He is happy to remind voters that he’s only the second “Catholic president” in America’s history. His staff brags about how “devout” he is, while he claims the pope told him he’s a “good Catholic.” 


Yet the Catholic president of the United States supports abortion for any reason up to the moment of birth – paid for by taxpayers. He presided over a same-sex “wedding.” He holds parents who seek to direct their children's education in contempt. His administration is punishing Catholic adoption and foster care groups and other charities that uphold what the Church believes, while his economic policies are crushing American families.


The Church has an ancient tradition of the spiritual works of mercy, and we are called to “admonish the sinner” and “instruct the ignorant.” The Catholic Accountability Project is about exposing the lies, ending the confusion, and shining a light on every Catholic leader or institution in public life.


Every Catholic is called to faithfully witness to the truths of Jesus Christ and His Church. All of us! Especially Catholic leaders or representatives of public Catholic institutions. 


We all fail to do this sometimes, but public officials or institutions who hold Catholic moral teaching in contempt must be called out publicly. 


Every Catholic deserves to know the truth.  


Voters deserve to know the truth.


Your prayers, support, and intel will be critical in the days ahead.


Please visit the Catholic Accountability Project at


There is a short memo outlining the Catholic Accountability Project. You can read it here.