Showing posts from August, 2021
Sacrificing Freedom For Security: Captain America: The Winter Soldier
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How to Humiliate America by Gene Chapman
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Joe Biden as president! He knew exactly how to knock the U.S. off her perch as the preeminent power in the world. Simply reverse everything Trump did, lifting minorities and women into record middleclass status. Trump wanted you to spend your own money, rather than send it to Washington to be wasted, or enriching politicians. They know better how to spend your money than you do? They love the welfare state, giving them the power to control your vote. This very day there are 8 to 9 million Trump jobs going unfilled, because the democrats are sending out unemployment checks from Washington, making work optional. Within a mere few months, Biden spending policies have ignited inflation, the cruelest tax of all on the poor. Gas is well over the $ 1.79 it was on Biden’s January 20th inauguration day. It’ll go much higher as Biden shut down Alaska, offshore and federal land oil drilling, plus the Keystone pipeline to Houston. Now he’s begging OPEC and Russia to send us more fuel, with our e...
Catholic Info Hour — The News and Analysis You Need by Church Militant
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Litany in Honor of the Immaculate Heart - Monthly Litany by The Fatima Center
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Clowns Always Have More Shinies by The American Catholic
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Pray with Us: The Litany of Trust (feat. The Sisters of Life)
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If Authoritarians Taught Self Help! by Awaken With JP Sears
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'The vaccine does not prevent infection, Dr. Dan Stock testifies to school board by LifeSiteNews
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MOUNT VERNON, Indiana (LifeSiteNews) – A Indiana physician has blasted the “counterfactual” propaganda behind COVID-19 regulations and vaccines during a local school board meeting in a recorded speech which has subsequently “gone viral” online. In response to a recent outbreak in the district, the Mt. Vernon School Board called an emergency meeting on August 6 to discuss COVID-19 regulations with around 20 parents attending and nine of them speaking. One of the speakers was Dr. Dan Stock, a McCordsville resident and family medicine physician specially trained in immunology and inflammation regulation. Before beginning his speech, he delivered a flash drive containing studies about COVID-19 to the board. “Everything being recommended by the CDC and the state board of health is actually contrary to all the rules of science,” he said, explaining that “we still have a problem because we’re doing things that are not useful.” Stock, citing studies funded by the NIH, said th...
Covid Deaths on Significant Decline by Gene Chapman
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Covid Deaths on Significant Decline by Gene Chapman The New York Post editorial board wrote, “Don’t buy the hysteria: The Delta variant is actually less dangerous.” While Delta caused a 10 percent rise in daily U.S. cases last month, covid hospital admissions actually dropped. You would never know it listening to the media. I googled hard for official number of deaths and gave up. I did find a map of Texas counties, with Covid cases and deaths and learned that in the first seven days of August we had 11,053 cases with 25 deaths. Liberal Houston had 10 and Austin had five from memory, so that leaves only 10 deaths for more conservative Texas. I am assuming some, or most, of the current cases are the Delta variant from India, more contagious, but less deadly. I read that the death rate for all under 18 years was 0.005 %. The death rate for auto accidents is 0.009%. Think we should open schools, an...
The Vortex — It All Starts With Judas by Church Militant
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Michael Voris interviews Michael Hichborn, president of the Lepanto Institute . Before we play the following interview, we want to let you know that it was recorded before we received word that the city of Baltimore, very possibly in collusion with the U.S. bishops, likely violated our First Amendment rights and canceled our contract at the hosting facility for our "Bishops: Enough Is Enough" rally, which is scheduled for this November .
NEVER AGAIN -- When Your Bishop Closes Your Church (AGAIN)! -- Here's What We Must Do! by RESTORING THE FAITH
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Quote from Saint Maximilian Kolbe by Tweeting with God
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Maximilian Mary Kolbe was born in Poland. He consecrated himself to the Lord in the Franciscan Order. Filled with love for the Virgin, he founded the Militia of the Immaculate Mary and, with his preaching and writing, undertook an intense apostolic mission in Europe and Asia. Imprisoned in Auschwitz during the Second World War, he offered himself in exchange for the father of a large family who was to be executed. He was given a lethal injection when he failed to die fast enough from starvation in the concentration camp. Pope St. John Paul II proclaimed him the "Patron Saint of Our Difficult Century." Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, pray for us.
Viva una Herencia de Amor: Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en Del Río, Texas / Long Live a Legacy of Love: Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Del Rio, Texas/
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La lamentable realidad y para todos los efectos y propósitos, la Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe ya no es una iglesia parroquial. Una iglesia parroquial tiene sus propios sacerdotes asignados a ministrar a los parroquianos que pertenecen a esa parroquia en particular, y la Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe comparte los sacerdotes de la Parroquia Católica San José. Una iglesia parroquial tiene su propia oficina administrativa donde se lleva a cabo el trabajo de la parroquia, y todo lo que pertenece a la Iglesia Católica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe está siendo dirigido por la Oficina Parroquial de San José. La Iglesia Católica de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es ahora simplemente un satélite de la Parroquia de San José, una iglesia de misión, como un pobre niño huérfano, rechazado y condenado al ostracismo. Ahora queda por ver si la Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe tendrá sus puertas cerradas con llave. Al igual que a los feligreses se les ha ...
Long Live a Legacy of Love: Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Del Rio, Texas/ Viva una Herencia de Amor: Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en Del Río, Texas
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T he unfortunate reality, and for all intents and purposes, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church is no longer a parish church. A parish church has its own priests assigned to minister to the parishioners that belong to that particular parish, and Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church shares the priests from Saint Joseph Catholic Parish. A parish church has its own administrative office where the work of the parish is conducted, and everything pertaining to Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church is being run by Saint Joseph Parish Office. Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church is now simply a satellite of Saint Joseph Catholic Parish, a mission church, like a poor, rejected and ostracized orphan child. Now it remains to be seen if Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church will have its doors locked. Just as parishioners have been told to go to Saint Joseph Parish Office to conduct all their business, will parishioners be told later that they can go to Saint Joseph Catholic Church if they wan...