Covid Deaths on Significant Decline by Gene Chapman


Covid Deaths on Significant Decline by Gene Chapman

The New York Post editorial board wrote, “Don’t buy the hysteria: The Delta variant is actually less dangerous.”  While Delta caused a 10 percent rise in daily U.S. cases last month, covid hospital admissions actually dropped.


You would never know it listening to the media.  I googled hard for official number of deaths and gave up.  I did find a map of Texas counties, with Covid cases and deaths and learned that in the first seven days of August we had 11,053 cases with 25 deaths.  Liberal Houston had 10 and Austin had five from memory, so that leaves only 10 deaths for more conservative Texas. 


I am assuming some, or most, of the current cases are the Delta variant from India, more contagious, but less deadly.  I read that the death rate for all under 18 years was 0.005 %.  The death rate for auto accidents is 0.009%.   Think we should open schools, and ban automobiles for safety?


 Biden’s open borders accounted for thousands of new cases, but the media and democrats don ‘t care about southern border illegal immigration, seeking voters. They are only interested in making sure no Cubans escaping communism, are allowed.  They know how evil communism is and would never vote democrat.


Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is spiking higher than in previous years said, Dr. Paul Chechia, director of pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Texas  [AC1] Children’s Hospital.  At the Children’s west campus, half of all pediatrics ICU patients had RSV, and 75 % required ventilators.  Kelsey Syhold clinic in Houston had a 33 % increase in RSV cases, so it’s not all covid.


The media keeps us terrified, only giving us the rising thousands of Delta Variant cases while omitting the diminishing number of deaths with Trump’s speedy vaccines, and therapeutic treatment, regenerome.  Trump was right.  Even Fauci now admits the pandemic came from the Wuhan China lab but, denies sending them your tax dollars to convert it from Bats to humans, which he did.   Doctor Alina Chan told NBC that she and her colleagues didn’t speak up earlier because Trump was promoting it as a lab leak.  She said, “At the time, it was scarier to be associated with Trump, and to become a tool for raciest, so people didn’t want to publicly call for an investigation into its lab origin.”  Chan is a post-Doctoral Associate of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University, specializing in genetic engineering, afraid of the absolute truth, just as America is, cowed into submission by lying communist disinformation.


One should expect crisis after crisis, with the big one coming for the 2022 midterm election, determining America’s future.  China has more deadly viruses to release, preventing crowded polling places with honest I.D. voting, excuse enough to send out mail in ballots to every dead, moved or nonexistent voter on the bloated rolls.  It will produce the same 2020 flawed election results nationwide if they succeed.  It’s a vote harvester dream, and sure Democrat control, unless America returns to blind folded justice, and one man one vote honest elections. 


Do you think China’s dystopian social credit system could never come to America?  Think again.  It’s here.  New York is calling for a vaccine I.D. prior eating in restaurants, but voter I.D. is too troublesome.  Biden is talking a national program.  Associated Press and Reuters are teamed with Twitter to patrol political dissent as “misinformation.”  Biden’s UN Inspectors Plan to “Restrict and criminalize Free Speech.”  No fly list, and no shopping list for unvaccinated (Dang it, Anna is vaccinated), and Facebook and Twitter won’t let one say the 2020 election was stolen. Conservative free speech is under attack, and liberal speech has nary a single red light I could find.


The left hates America as founded. Ambition is the motivation from which all great nations prosper.  If the left can pass their culture cancelling wokeness, there will be no reason for ambition.  It will all belongs to the State in ever higher taxes.  At least when you’ve got nothing, you’ll have nothing to lose.   Goodbye greatness.  Goodbye Trump’s growing middle-class aspirations, already in decline with the first waves of inflation.  Hello chains of hopelessness in the cold arms of the left’s welfare State, in dreamless equity of wont and poverty.  Remember you caused it with your Kool aide, Kool aide, can’t wait demands, while not willing to do productive honorable labor within your capabilities, putting something in the pot rather than taking out.

They taught you to hate those rising in honest production of wealth within the rules.  They told you that you were poor because they were rich and could afford $100.00 Michael Jordan Nikes.  It was class warfare and ok to hate them, but you deserved equity!  Now you can have it if the Democrats win. Nobody can afford Nikes, just a distant memory of yesterday’s opulence in freedom.


Gene Chapman