
Showing posts from May, 2020

May 31, 2020: Logical lockdowns? * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor, Logical lockdowns? We were incessantly advised by all the experts and media outlets, that we must follow the science; because if we did not then we were at risk of dying or of killing people.  At the beginning of this pandemic, we all basically followed what we were told to do because we were not sure what this virus was all about. And like the overly used phrase, “due to an overabundance of caution” we did those overly abundant cautious things because we didn’t want to die or be responsible for killing other people.  But when things seemed to settle down a bit, we started noticing some strange things.  Food and fuel were considered essential whereas faith and family were non-essential.  Churches were closed and stay-at-home orders mandated that family members living in separate households could not get-together.  Of all places, churches and family get-togethers would seem to be the sa...

May 24, 2020: In today's media, believe all women, with an asterisk * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

  Letter to the Editor, Believe all women, with an asterisk Now that “social media” has become main-stream; “mainstream media” is now referred to as legacy media.  The more accurate term to describe this type of media is “corporate media” because it is owned and operated by companies and conglomerates, many having ties to foreign nationals.  And we shouldn’t be at all surprised that some corporate media outlets have strong ties to the Chinese Communist Party.  But mostly these corporate media giants are run by life-long liberals who owe their allegiance to the Democratic Party at the expense of ethical journalism reporting facts without fear or favor. When Christine Blasey Ford made the sexual assault allegations against President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, corporate media’s mantra was “Believe All Women” because Blasey Ford was smearing and scandalizing Brett Kavanaugh.  But now that Tara Reade is maki...

May 20, 2020: Many thanks to Mr. Trump * Letters to the Editor * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor, Many thanks to Mr. Trump How many of us have sent President Trump a thank you note for the stimulus relief check that we all received?  President Trump could have easily vetoed the CARES Act, given that it is a $2 trillion albatross overburdening and overstressing the once great economic boom that he had previously overseen.  The economy was the crowning achievement of the Trump Administration; with all sectors seeing tremendous growth and success, with record low unemployment throughout the country, with a spirit of financial confidence and optimism rising gloriously in the population who had previously been forlorn and thought to be forgotten.   He signed the bill even though it contained frivolous pork demanded by the Democratic Party for their pet projects which had nothing to do with the COVID-19 crisis:  $25 million for the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts;  $75 million for the ...

May 5, 2020: 'Preppers' sitting pretty * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor, “Preppers” sitting pretty Wikipedia offers this definition: “Survivalism is a movement of individuals or groups, called survivalists or preppers, who actively prepare for emergencies, including possible disruptions in social or political order, from local to international.  The emphasis is on self-reliance, stockpiling supplies, and gaining survival knowledge and skills.  Survivalists often acquire emergency medical and self-defense training, stockpile food and water, prepare to become self-sufficient, and build structures such as survival retreats or underground shelters that may help them survive a catastrophe.” Most people ridiculed preppers before this pandemic hit and look who’s laughing now.  Preppers have been vindicated and are probably thinking, “We told you so.” They told us, but we would not listen.  Now we probably wish we had listened to them, but most of us were so immersed in our own i...