May 31, 2020: Logical lockdowns? * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor,

Logical lockdowns?

We were incessantly advised by all the experts and media outlets, that we must follow the science; because if we did not then we were at risk of dying or of killing people. 

At the beginning of this pandemic, we all basically followed what we were told to do because we were not sure what this virus was all about.

And like the overly used phrase, “due to an overabundance of caution” we did those overly abundant cautious things because we didn’t want to die or be responsible for killing other people. 

But when things seemed to settle down a bit, we started noticing some strange things. 

Food and fuel were considered essential whereas faith and family were non-essential. 

Churches were closed and stay-at-home orders mandated that family members living in separate households could not get-together. 

Of all places, churches and family get-togethers would seem to be the safest.  

Of all people we could trust to be around, it would be our own family members and members of our faith communities to lovingly care for one another and to respect the guidance of wearing face masks and social distancing. 

Stores that sold liquor and marijuana were considered essential, open to the public for their shopping pleasure and consumption of those products, which could potentially be hazardous to the health and wellbeing of the users and those around them because of addictions and substance abuse. 

The curve was being flattened; the number of COVID cases and deaths were in decline. 

Republican governed states were being opened up, while Democratic governed states seemed even more entrenched staying in lockdown.

Summer was in the air, after what had been a most horrible of winters.

The beaches were beckoning, yet even though the science said that the virus was less virulent outdoors and during the hot summer days, Democratic governed states insisted on depriving their constituents of summertime fun and frolicking in the waves, so some people made their own waves by protesting instead, because some things just didn’t make any sense!

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.
Del Rio, Texas