May 24, 2020: In today's media, believe all women, with an asterisk * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald


Letter to the Editor,

Believe all women, with an asterisk

Now that “social media” has become main-stream; “mainstream media” is now referred to as legacy media. 

The more accurate term to describe this type of media is “corporate media” because it is owned and operated by companies and conglomerates, many having ties to foreign nationals. 

And we shouldn’t be at all surprised that some corporate media outlets have strong ties to the Chinese Communist Party. 

But mostly these corporate media giants are run by life-long liberals who owe their allegiance to the Democratic Party at the expense of ethical journalism reporting facts without fear or favor.

When Christine Blasey Ford made the sexual assault allegations against President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, corporate media’s mantra was “Believe All Women” because Blasey Ford was smearing and scandalizing Brett Kavanaugh. 

But now that Tara Reade is making sexual assault allegations against the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden then corporate media is universally silent. 

It is only through new media that these allegations are airing. 

All of a sudden, amazingly an asterisk appears next to the all-encompassing adage “Believe All Women” touted by the social justice warriors with the caveat, “Well what we really meant to say was, believe all women who disparage and denigrate conservative men whom we disagree with, but don’t believe those women who say bad things about the liberal men whom we agree with.”

Why don’t all the so-called news outlets simply put out the story without editorializing it? 

Because they are owned and operated by entities who seek to inundate the airwaves and cyberspace with their leftist political ideology. 

We must all be acutely aware of the power of propaganda to sway all of us. 

None of us are immune from it, no matter how astute we believe ourselves to be, we can all fall prey to this deadly menace. 

Truth in advertising must also be truth in news-reporting.

All news outlets should be upfront and honest about their political ideology and then the public can make their informed decision.

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

Del Rio, Texas