
Showing posts from May, 2019

May 28, 2019: Beto: Beta male * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor, Beto: Beta male O’Rourke is in a crowded field of 20 plus and counting Democratic presidential candidates running for the nomination of his party in the 2020 election. Since he’s been dramatically slipping in the polls, his popularity plummeting; he decided to re-launch, re-boot his image and re-introduce himself to the American public.  One of his first stops on his re-imaged campaign, to give him more media-exposure, was to visit the women on the “The View”; presumably a highly-viewed, daytime-interview television show consisting of left-leaning liberals and a conservative. It turned out to be just another one of those “apology tours” that Democrats are so famous for engaging in; to show how “woke” they are, how sensitive they are and how much they truly get it. Since he’s from El Paso, Texas, on the US/Mexico border, his nickname is “Beto”, he spoke a few words in Spanish. ¿Por qué? Why? Patronizing camaraderie and presum...

May 21, 2019: Optimism trumps pessimism * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor, Optimism trumps pessimism The Democratic Leadership is filled with doom and gloom prognosticators who tell us that the world is going to end; in 10 years according to Democratic presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, or in 12 years according to Democratic U.S. Representative from New York Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Unless we heed their dire and dismal warnings, sacrifice our lifestyle at the altar of the god of climate change, who demands we change everything or else we die.   Like who wants to listen to someone who’s always talking about the world ending and us dying? Not me! They are always talking about death; how they are for abortion, physician-assisted suicide, and euthanasia. Like who wants to hear about that all the time? Definitely not me! They tell us if we want to continue living we’ll have to give up eating hamburgers because cows are bad for the environment. We’ll have to not use plastic str...

Spread the word - Support good movies

Spread the word - Support good movies Support faith-based, family-friendly films showing in our hometown movie theater BREAKTHROUGH is currently showing and OVERCOMER will be coming soon BREAKTHROUGH is based on the inspirational true story of one mother’s unfaltering love in the face of impossible odds. It is an enthralling reminder that faith and love can create a mountain of hope, and sometimes even a miracle. OVERCOMER reminds us of the impact a coach can have.  It unpacks pivotal issues in the lives of students and adults alike. The story provides a unique mixture of hope, humor and heart. What do you allow to define you? SEE YOU AT THE MOVIES!

May 14, 2019: Walls of wellbeing * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor, Walls of wellbeing A class action suit should be filed on behalf of all preborn babies demanding that they be protected while they are growing inside the walls of their mother’s womb, the border wall protecting them from all invading forces both foreign and domestic.  The assertion might be made that preborn babies are not entitled to the protection of the laws of this country because they are undocumented, because it is their birth certificate that makes them American citizens and qualifies them to receive all the protections guaranteed by this country.  Undocumented citizens are seeking asylum in the United States because they are affirming that they are fleeing persecution and human rights violations, preborn babies facing the threat of abortion and born-alive babies facing the threat of infanticide, should be given the status of asylum seekers fighting for their lives not to be murdered. Preborn babies should seek re...

May 7 2019: Desperately seeking votes * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor, Desperately seeking votes Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders wants convicted criminals to vote while they are in prison. Of course, he wants them to vote for him to be in the White House serving as President, while they are in the “big house” serving their time of incarceration. Convicted criminals constitute a substantial voting block and can make a decisive difference in a national election. It is estimated there are more criminals in jails than there are students in colleges or universities. Apparently both groups are radically left-leaning in their politics. Sanders, speaking like all benevolent, big-hearted socialists, said: “You committed a crime, you’re in jail. But you’re still living in American society and you have a right to vote. “Socialist Sanders” sounds great to both prisoners and pupils. And speaking of pupils, House Speaker, Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, is in favor of lowering the vo...