May 21, 2019: Optimism trumps pessimism * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor,

Optimism trumps pessimism

The Democratic Leadership is filled with doom and gloom prognosticators who tell us that the world is going to end; in 10 years according to Democratic presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, or in 12 years according to Democratic U.S. Representative from New York Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Unless we heed their dire and dismal warnings, sacrifice our lifestyle at the altar of the god of climate change, who demands we change everything or else we die.  

Like who wants to listen to someone who’s always talking about the world ending and us dying? Not me!

They are always talking about death; how they are for abortion, physician-assisted suicide, and euthanasia.

Like who wants to hear about that all the time? Definitely not me!

They tell us if we want to continue living we’ll have to give up eating hamburgers because cows are bad for the environment. We’ll have to not use plastic straws to slurp drinks because they’re causing dangerous things to the environment.

Like that’s a bummer, not eating hamburgers and not sipping from plastic straws. What party-poopers they are!

They tell us we will have to not travel by air because something about airplanes spewing too much carbon emissions. But I see them traveling all over the country. I wonder if they’re traveling by bus or by train, because I’m sure they wouldn’t be traveling by airplane, if they truly practiced what they preached.

And another thing, they’re always preaching about something. They’re always telling us what we should be thinking, and what we should be saying and what we should be doing.

Like who made them the boss of us.

They’re like the worst nightmare bosses; always angry and complaining; nothing makes them happy. 

The Democratic Leadership is like Debbie Downer, always pushing pessimistic policies that are downbeat and dreary. Don’t they realize people prefer upbeat and uplifting platforms?

The Republican Party is the Party of Life, and the life-of-the-party.

It’s clearly evident: Democrats are the Party of Pessimism; Republicans are the Party of Optimism.

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.
Del Rio, Texas