From Cami Murphy - Lectio Divina I would like to share with you a communication, through lectio divina/journaling, that I had with the Lord a week or so ago. I read John 1:1-5 one day, and as I read it over and over and sought the Lord's personal word to me, I was moved by the Holy Spirit to pray: "Lord, please graft Your Word on my heart." I felt an intense desire for union with the Lord as Eternal and Incarnate Word. As I journaled, seeking to understand what the Lord wanted to say to me, I remembered the visions of rivers of blood that the visionaries of Kibeho, Rwanda had in the early 80's. The Blessed Mother, under the name of Mother of the Word, appeared to some high school girls, and at some point in the period of apparitions, the girls had these visions of rivers of blood. In 1994 the visions of the rivers of blood became a reality when the majority of the ruling tribe in Rwanda, the Hutus, slaughtered more than 800,000 members of the minori...