April 10, 2018: Del Rio News-Herald * From Page 1A * Letter to the Editor * A tale of two officers

Letter to the Editor,

A Tale of Two Officers

Once upon a time there lived a Courageous Officer named Arnaud Beltrame and a Cowardly Officer named Scot Peterson.

It so happened that the Courageous Officer lived in southern France and the Cowardly Officer lived in the southern United States.

It is sad to say that the home of the brave was not in the United States but rather it was in France.

One day, as fate would have it, it was Ash Wednesday and Saint Valentine’s Day, while the Cowardly Officer was patrolling outside a school in the City of Parkland in the State of Florida shots rang out and he froze in fear and made a decisive cowardly act to hide behind the walls in safety and security and allow the students he was supposed to protect with his life instead be shot to death.

He was the Cowardly Officer who chose that day to save himself; instead of possibly saving some of those 17 victims from death by the active shooter inside the school.

On another day, as fate would have it, it was the Eve of Palm Sunday, the Courageous Officer was called to a jihadist terror attack where a hostage situation ensued inside a supermarket in the City of Trèbes in the District of Carcassonne and he made a decisive heroic sacrifice in the heat of a violent conflict to offer to take the place of a woman held hostage by the jihadi and he was stabbed and shot to death. He made the ultimate sacrifice and gave his life so that another person could live.

He was the Courageous Officer who chose that day to save a stranger held hostage in a jihadist terror attack instead of saving himself from certain death at the hands of those sworn to kill all infidels.

The President of the United States said this about Scot Peterson: "He didn’t act properly under pressure, a coward.”

The President of France said this about Arnaud Beltrame: “He fell as a hero. He showed exceptional courage.”

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.
Del Rio, Texas