November 29, 2017: Del Rio News-Herald * Letter to the Editor * Writing a letter to Santa Claus

Letter to Santa - I mean Letter to the Editor, Writing a Letter to Santa Claus My name is Merry Navidad. I must have been six or seven years old when my mother asked me what I wanted Santa Claus to bring me so that we could write him a letter to let him know what I wanted. I was thrilled to make my wishes known so Santa would know exactly what I wanted and I wouldn’t be disappointed like I was when relatives gave me beautifully gift wrapped presents that I gleefully opened in anticipation of the surprise inside, only to be disillusioned when it was revealed that it was only clothes and not a real Christmas gift like a doll or a toy. My mother and I sat at the kitchen table with fancy, formal stationary and a fountain pen with black ink in hand. She wrote down: Dear Santa. I thought to myself, this is going to be a grand adventure. And then she turned to ask me, “What do you want to tell Santa now?” I simply stared at her in silence and was speechless. ...