November 7, 2017: Del Rio News-Herald * Letter to the Editor * Oh deer!

Letter to the Editor,

Oh deer!

An all-points bulletin, aka APB, has been issued by the Riverville Police Department, aka RPD, to be on the lookout for three missing deer: Confianza; aka Connie, Corazón; aka Corrie and Creencia; aka Crissy. All three were last seen crossing the Saint Philip River, headed toward the southside of Riverville where the vineyard-winery is located. Mrs. Vera Venado has reported that they escaped from her deer hunting ranch early in the morning. If anyone sees these animals please report them to the Animal Retrieval Unit so they can be safely returned to their establishment at Venado Deer Hunting Ranch located off Highway 99 East between Riverville and Parenthesesville.

“There they are,” whispers Patrol Officer Rudolph Stagg to his partner Patrol Officer Cupid Dough, who is at the wheel of their brand new patrol cruiser.  Doe-eyed Dough turns to where strong and silent-type Stagg is signaling towards, and both see the most beautiful sight this side of heaven, the three missing deer that had just been reported.

“What should we do?” she asks for confirmation about what she knows they must do, but she wants to know if her partner is in agreement with what she is thinking.

“I know we should report them,” then he hesitatingly adds, “but they look so innocent and vulnerable, brings back memories of my childhood when I cried during the movie ‘Bambi’.

“Let’s pretend we didn’t see them,” suggests Officer Dough, “they’re headed toward the Grand Brave River and once they cross over to Mexico they’ll be out of our jurisdiction.”

“But we were sworn to uphold the law,” replies Officer Stagg, “but I guess just this once we can look the other way.”

Connie, Corrie and Crissy cross the river at its most shallow part and once they reach the Mexican shore Officers Stagg and Dough turn and look at each other, never to speak about this incident.

Breaking their silence, a call from headquarters interrupts, “Missing deer found, Animal Retrieval Unit will soon be returning them to their establishment. Good job, Officers!”

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.
Del Rio