Letter to the Editor, Del Rio March for Life Mr. Brown has just arrived home, and as he is getting out of his vehicle he is greeted by his next door neighbor Sr. Blanco. “Hey there,” Mr. Brown returns the greeting. “Have you heard about the Del Rio March for Life?” Mr. Blanco inquisitively inquires. “No, I didn’t even know Del Rio had a March for Life. I’ve heard about the March for Life in Washington, D.C. and about the San Francisco Walk for Life, but this is the first time I hear about the Del Rio March for Life. Thanks for letting me know. When is it?” Mr. Brown asks. “It’s going to be on Sunday, January 24 th , the Sunday following the March for Life in Washington, D.C.”, responds Sr. Blanco as he continues to expound on the details, “It’s scheduled to start at 3:00 p.m., the Hour of Divine Mercy, at Star Park on North Main Street. It will make its way down South Main Street to arrive at Greenwood Park where the participants will make t...