May 26: 2015: Del Rio News-Herald * OPINION * Letter to the Editor * Advice for graduates

Letter to the Editor, Advice for Graduates The best advice for graduates is: Don’t follow your dreams because they can turn into your worst nightmares; instead follow your inspirations because they are always imaginative and innovative. Dreams are ethereal; inspirations are experiential. Dreams are “pie in the sky”; inspirations are “sky in the pie”. The pie is up above the earth so high in our dreams; however, the sky is here on earth in our inspirations. Dreams are daunting and unattainable but inspirations are doable and achievable. Dreams are just dreams; they will always be just dreams. Dreams can never become reality because dreams are dreams and reality is reality and the two shall never merge. Following through with inspirations moves us to a more positive, joyful and confident place because we actually accomplish something tangible. The magnitude of the in...