Letter to the Editor, An Op-Ed Vignette In the not so distant future: Cathi, a Catholic, and Evan, an Evangelical, are sitting in the campus cafeteria. Before they commence to eat, Cathi makes the Sign of the Cross; with her right hand fingertips she touches her forehead and says, “In the Name of the Father”, she moves her hand to her chest by her heart and says, “And of the Son”, then she moves her hand to her left shoulder and then to her right shoulder and says, “And of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” They are sitting across from each other and extend their arms across the table, holding hands they bow their heads. Evan prays, “Lord, as we walk through this world may Your Love heal our hearts, may Your Grace light our minds, and may Your Mercy shelter our souls. We thank You for giving us these wonderful blessings.” and together they chime in “Amen.” Just as they start to eat, Gotham, a Goth, suddenly appears and loudly pr...