Afterwords: Ten (10) Things to Think about in a Day
1) The only thing impatience will get us is closer to our dying day. 2) Make a habit of giving everyone the gift of encouragement every day. 3) Each day is a new day, a new beginning, a fresh start to the rest of our life. 4) Don’t spend all your time saving for a rainy day that you never spend anytime splurging on a sunshiny day. 5) There are days in the desert, days on the mountaintop, and days at the beach; no matter what kind of day we are having it can always be a Divine day. 6) Every day we have fresh encounters with God. 7) Stay alert! We should prepare ourselves every day to face a challenge. 8) Christ gives us comfort every day no matter what problems we face, no matter the hardships that come our way, no matter how deep our valleys or how steep our mountains. ...