Afterwords: Twelve (12) meditations for the twelve (12) months of the NEW Year 2012

1) Circulation: in with the NEW, out with the old, over and over and over again. 2) “Now” is “NEW” and “even now” is “ever newer”. 3) God wants to give us a brand NEW vision, one that is connected to the past and will carry us into the future. 4) In the NEW evangelization we must be open to the opportunities of finding new methods of reaching new generations with the never-changing message of the gospel of Christ. 5) Some people will never read or hear the Old and the NEW Testaments; but they will see and listen to the living testaments in their life. 6) Retreat is a time to be realigned and repositioned for a NEW advancement or attack. 7) With every experience God gives us a NEW opportunity that is fresh, clean, pure and good. 8) ...