♫ The Twelve Days of Christmas ♫

•A Partridge in a pear tree -- Jesus Christ, who gathers his own under his wings -- God's first gift.

•Two Turtle Doves -- represents the sacrifice of the Jewish family at the birth of a son (also: The Old and New Testaments)

•Three French Hens -- The Gifts of the Magi (also: The Blessed Trinity; also: Faith, Hope and Love)

•Four Calling Birds -- The Four Gospels (also: the Four Evangelists who wrote the Gospels)

•Five Golden Rings -- The first Five Books of the Old Testament, the Torah.

•Six Geese A-laying -- The six days of creation

•Seven Swans A-swimming -- The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and the seven sacraments of the Church

•Eight Maids A-milking -- The eight beatitudes (also: the eight persons saved in the Ark)

•Nine Ladies Dancing -- The nine Fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22 (also: kinds or ranks of angels)

•Ten Lords A-leaping -- The Ten Commandments

•Eleven Pipers Piping -- The eleven faithful apostles

•Twelve Drummers Drumming -- The twelve points of doctrine in the Apostles' Creed & the Apostles altogether & the gates of heaven (Revelation 21:12) & the tribes of Isreal

The Church Calendar 12 Days of Christmas:

December 25, Solemnity of CHRISTMAS

December 26, Feast of St. Stephen

December 27, Feast of Saint John

December 28, Feast of the Holy Innocents

December 29, Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas

December 30, Feast of the Holy Family

December 31, Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas

January 1, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

January 2, St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory Nazianzen

January 3, Most Holy Name of Jesus

January 4, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

January 5, St. John Neumann

January 6, Solemnity of the Epiphany