From party girl to praying girl! by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


From party girl to praying girl! by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

As Angela kneels in front of the altar during the Mass of Thanksgiving of her Quinceañera, she looks at Our Lord on the Crucifix and interiorly she hears what to her seems to be Jesus on the Cross saying to her; One day you will be my bride. 

Taken by surprise she wondered why she had had that thought right now. 

She was dressed in her white Quinceañera dress that looked timeless and pure, a classic and elegant look. It was made of soft fabrics, delicate lace, and intricate beadwork that added a touch of sophistication. It was the epitome of elegance. 

All she needed was to wear a wedding veil on her head instead of a princess crown and she could have passed for a bride instead of a quinceañera.

But she knew that being a Bride of Christ would mean that she would have to be a Sister. She had never thought of being a Sister before. Everyone always thought her older sister María would be a Sister. Her brother Jesús always said he wanted to be a priest and since he and María were twins, people just naturally assumed that Jesús would be a priest and María would be a Sister like if somehow a religious vocation was in their genetic imprint. People would lovingly and endearingly declare the twins to one day be Father Jesús and Sister María. 

Angela was the tomboy of the family. She enjoyed playing with her older brothers and the neighborhood boys. Everyone was surprised, no a better word would be shocked, that she wanted to have a Quinceañera. Maybe she was growing out of her childhood tomboyishness phase and into her young womanhood phase.

Whatever the reason her parents Jose and Noelle were more than happy to oblige their daughter’s wishes.

They loved throwing family celebrations.

After the Liturgy of the Word, Angela made a commitment to God and the Blessed Virgin to live out the rest of her life according to the teachings of Christ and the Church by renewing her Baptismal promises. Then, signs of faith; a medal of a Guardian Angel, a Bible, a Rosary, and a prayer book which were given to her by her godparents and  blessed by the priest.

Angela read the following Act of Thanksgiving and of Personal   Commitment to lead a Christian Life: Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of life, for creating me in your image and likeness, and for calling me to be your daughter through baptism. Thank you for sending your Son Jesus to save me and your Holy Spirit to sanctify me. To that which in your goodness, and love you, will for me, I say, “Yes”. With your grace, I commit myself to serve my brothers and sisters, all my life. Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, I dedicate myself to you. Since you are my model of faith, help me to continue learning from you, all I need to be a Christian woman. Help me to hear the word of God as you did, holding it in my heart, and loving others, so that, as I walk with Jesus in this life, I may worship him with you and all eternity. Amen.

She had always said prayers but this one seemed different, it seemed that all her previous prayers had been prayed in her head, but this prayer felt like it had been prayed in her heart.

Angela had fun at her Quinceañera dinner and dance with all her family and friends. She hadn’t realized how much she enjoyed dancing with boys. She had definitely grown out of her tomboy phase and into her young lady phase. She now wore makeup, styled her hair, wore more dresses and fashionable shoes; instead of her usual jeans, T-shirt and tennis shoes. 

She enjoyed dressing up and going to dances with a group of friends, especially dancing Tejano and country music. 

Having two (2) older brothers José and Jesús, boys knew better than to mess with Angela, but even without her brothers to defend her, on her own she was confident and  commanded everyone’s respect. 

Just like at 15 she shocked everyone she wanted a Quinceañera, at 18 she again shocked everyone that she wanted to visit convents to discern which religious congregation she wanted to enter and discern if she had a religious vocation.

Angela spent the summer after her high school graduation visiting convents in the United States and Mexico. 

Upon entering the last convent on her list, she sees a Crucifix and interiorly she hears what to her seems to be Jesus on the Cross saying to her; One day in this convent you will be my bride. 

Dad: Mijita, if you ever want to come home, you just call me.

Angela: Yes, I know.

Her mother makes a small cross on Angela’s forehead, over her lips, and over her heart. She gives her daughter a kiss on her cheek and hugs her tightly, commending her to God our Father and the Blessed Virgin Mary our Mother.

Almost everyone expected her to eventually leave the convent and return to life in the world. But days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, and months into years, until the day of her final profession of vows came.

This final profession of vows came after eight (8) years of formation from inquiry to final profession, when Sister Angela of Our Eucharistic Lord vows poverty, chastity, and obedience for life.

She receives her ring from Bishop Henry Hunt, who says, “I espouse you to Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most High Father, that He may keep you unharmed. Therefore, receive the ring of faith, the seal of the Holy Ghost, that you may be called the spouse of God and, if you will have served Him faithfully, that you may be crowned eternally. In the Name of the Father  and of the Son  and of the Holy  Ghost. Amen.” She returns to the center of the sanctuary and chants, “I am espoused to Him Whom the angels serve, Whose beauty the sun and moon admire.  My Lord Jesus Christ hath betrothed me with His ring, and hath adorned me as a bride with a crown.” She again comes before Bishop Hunt and kneels. He places a crown woven of roses on their heads, saying, “Receive the crown of spousal preeminence, that as by our hands you are crowned here on earth, you may merit to be crowned by Christ with glory and honor in heaven.”

Looking up she sees a Crucifix and interiorly she hears what to her seems to be Jesus on the Cross saying to her: You are my bride forever.