Don’t be a sitting duck, instead be a vigilant eagle


Personal reflection:

For every Pearl Harbor that the Left perpetuates, the  Right must figuratively speaking and righteously counter with a Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The Left must learn, the hard and painful lesson, that the price of Pearl Harbor is Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Or else they’ll just continue to come after us and attack us again, and again, and again . . . . .

We must not be sitting ducks, we must be vigilant eagles.

Just as Marx identified religion, the family, and private property rights as the three key barriers to achieving Communism, the Left today equally hates religion, the family, and citizenship.

The Right must explode with the faith of Traditional Catholicism, the love of large, nuclear, homeschooled families, and the hope of patriotic citizens who cast their economic and electoral votes in alignment with their virtuous values.