Use an app and avoid “the social anxiety of ordering in person”?!?

Personal reflection:

So-called Artificial Intelligence (AI) is brainwashing us to communicate only through apps.

Adamantly refuse and reject being indoctrinated.

Live in reality, not in delusion; think with right reason don’t be duped.

Technology is sold to us as convenience, but in reality we are chained and confined to our seemingly comfortable cell, meaning prison.

Our cellphone is our prison.

We are chained to it.

We are being isolated from communicating with people in person, face-to-face, so those in charge of technology can control us.

We are being palliatively spoon-fed the pablum of propaganda.

FAVOR delivery advertises “contactless delivery”, as if that is a good thing; whereas making contact with people is a bad thing.

We are being managed and manipulated; marxist ideology is manifested in enslavement of the masses by the masters who dictate how we are to live and what we are to think.

Refuse to accept the psychological terminology that ordering in person causes social anxiety.

Interact with people, don’t isolate away from people.

It’s called “virtual reality” when it is not reality at all, it is non-reality.

Reject the lies and manipulation which are ultimately from the father of lies and the master of manipulation.

Know God’s Truth because only living in God’s Truth will set us free to live in God’s Everlasting Life and Love.