So-called “sensory-friendly” Mass for persons with so-called “disabilities”


Personal reflection:

There is no such thing as a “Disabilities Mass”, there is only the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Every single Mass is “very special”, there is no Mass which is not “very special”! 

What makes each and every Mass special is not the circumstances but Christ, it is not the situations surrounding the Mass, but the re-presentation of the One Redeeming Sacrifice of Our Savior.

Do not come as you are, but rather prepare to come to the Banquet Feast.

We all prepare ourselves to look presentable to go to birthday celebrations, because it is a very special celebration for the person we are honoring; how much more to be honoring Our Lord Jesus Christ.

We don’t come for an experience, but rather to be present at and enter into an eternal and everlasting event. 

We come to give God the worship due to Him, not to experience a praise and worship service filled with sights and sounds that glorify people on the stage instead of glorifying God at the Center Stage of the Universe.

Sometimes sacred silence speaks volumes in our heart, mind, and soul. 

Sometimes closing our eyes in recollection and reverence; we see deeper, and wider, and higher. 

The Traditional Latin Mass is the only truly sensory-friendly Mass, but unfortunately the Mass of All Ages has been cancelled, and what we have has sometimes been maliciously or mindlessly turned into an abhorrent aberration, and seemingly appears to be the most spiritually-unfriendly Mass. 

But whether friendly or unfriendly, we must attend Mass; because Sunday Mass is a sacred obligation under the pain of mortal sin.

It is not solely about the language or the bells and smells, but about the dignity and reverence of the sacred language of Latin, and the timeless traditions that have been passed down to us throughout the ages for all peoples, and in all places.

What one person considers sensory-friendly, another person might consider sensory-unfriendly.

There is no pleasing everyone, because the only Person we are to please is God.

We all have God-given abilities, and we bring them to the Lord at every Mass, and offer them to be of service to the Lord out in the world.

We are all called to make disciples of all we come in contact with and communicate with in our societal sphere, be it large or be it small.

Stop making a mockery of the Holy Mass and return to the Mass of All Ages!