Celebrate online safety for children’s sake


Personal reflection:

Schools need to have a policy of: No posting of children on public social media platforms! 

This school is surrounded by newly installed wrought iron fencing, yet they fail to protect their students by displaying pictures of the precious children on a social media platform widely available to the public, thus leaving the little lambs unguarded and vulnerable to the ravenous coyotes surfing the web for their next potential victim. 

The school has just provided the prowling predators with the name of this child, the school this child attends, the grade this child is in, the fact this child received the Sacrament of Reconciliation and will soon be receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, and possibly other private information on other postings.

The predators can now confidently call the child by their name and relay to them other pertinent and personal information that they know about them: the name of the child’s school, the grade the child is in, the fact that the child received the Sacrament of Reconciliation and will soon be making their First Holy Communion, and unfortunately the child will innocently respond, falsely believing that this person knows them and is a friend and not a foe. 

What good is a wrought iron fence when the most dangerous predators are online scouring the landscape for their victims? 

Schools should utilize public social media platforms for educational and informational purposes only. 

God’s precious children are not for public exposure - exhibition - exploitation!