*Information concerning Archdiocese of San Antonio * Religious order responds to question of why they published alleged messages from heaven contrary to archbishop’s will by LIFESITENEWS



“Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God; He is the Word incarnate; He is true God and true Man because He unites in his divine Person human nature and divine nature. Jesus, in the Gospel, has given his most complete definition of Himself, saying that He is the Truth, the Way and the Life.

Jesus is the Truth, because He reveals the Father to us, speaks his definitive word to us, and brings all divine revelation to its perfect fulfillment.

Jesus is the Life, because He gives us divine life itself, with the grace merited by Him through redemption, and He institutes the sacraments as efficacious means which communicate grace.

Jesus is the Way which leads to the Father, by means of the Gospel which He has given us, as the way to follow to attain salvation.

Jesus is the Truth because it is He — the living Word who is the font and seal of all divine revelation. And so ecclesiastical Masonry works to obscure his divine word, by means of natural and rational interpretations and, in the attempt to make it more understandable and acceptable, empties it of all its supernatural content. Thus errors are spread in every part of the Catholic Church itself. Because of the spread of these errors, many are moving away today from the true faith, bringing to fulfillment the prophecy which was given to you by me at Fatima: ‘The times will come when many will lose the true faith.’ The loss of the faith is apostasy. Ecclesiastical Masonry works, in a subtle and diabolical way, to lead all into apostasy.

Jesus is the Life because He gives grace. The aim of ecclesiastical Masonry is that of justifying sin, of presenting it no longer as an evil but as something good and of value. Thus one is advised to do this as a way of satisfying the exigencies of one’s own nature, destroying the root from which repentance could be born, and is told that it is no longer necessary to confess it. The pernicious fruit of this accursed cancer, which has spread throughout the whole Church, is the disappearance everywhere of individual confession. Souls are led to live in sin, rejecting the gift of life which Jesus has offered us.

Jesus is the Way which leads to the Father, by means of the Gospel. Ecclesiastical Masonry favors those forms of exegesis which give it a rationalistic and natural interpretation, by means of the application of the various literary genres, in such a way that it becomes torn to pieces in all its parts. In the end, one arrives at denying the historical reality of miracles and of the resurrection and places in doubt the very divinity of Jesus and his salvific mission.”