
Showing posts from March, 2024

March 31, 2024: Glorious Easter Sunday


The Dove of Peace


Memorable Mass

  Personal reflection: The Mass is memorable because of Our Messiah!

Biden Renewing His Baptismal Promises at Easter

  Personal reflection : Biden’s Renewal of Baptismal Promises Do you reject Satan?  Biden’s response - I reject the “satanic Republican Party”. And all his works? Biden’s response - I reject all the “satanic works of those evil Republicans”. And all his empty promises? Biden’s response - Well, I can’t really reject the promises of:  the abortion agenda,  accepting bribes,  blind ambition,  cruelty and corruption,  destroying the Constitution,  demonization of the deplorables,  election fraud,  hiding behind the cover of being a devout Catholic,  the gender confused agenda,  lying,  the military war machine,  money laundering,  the pharmaceutical giants,  being a puppet president,  being richly rewarded,  the sexual deviancy and perversion lobby,  stealing elections,  taxpayer funding of abortions,  winning at all costs,  and all the other promises that have made ...

In imitation of Jesus Christ’s washing of His Apostles’ feet

  Personal reflection: God bless the Catholic Church to remain faithful to the tradition of washing men’s feet in commemoration of the Twelve Apostles. Is this a foreshadowing of future deaconesses and priestesses? God have mercy on us.

Archdiocese of San Antonio announces observances for 150th anniversary of establishment of diocese by Today’s Catholic Newspaper

  Personal reflection:



Divine Mercy Novena: Good Friday - March 29, 2024 to Easter Saturday - April 6, 2024


Migration must be message of marxistas.

Personal reflection: Pope Francis and Sister Norma Pimentel both speak of migration and migrants during Lent and meld and merge only the plight of migrants with the Paschal Mystery. Like Father Clay stated in his video titled “Sr. Norma Pimentel ain’t no Mother Teresa of Calcutta; a critique of a Marxist”, that the most dangerous migration is that of children in their mother’s womb ever being able to travel through the birth canal to be born and see the light of day.