A Dream of a Broken Church by Cami little handmaid


In the dream I was standing at a lectern in a Catholic Church. 

As the lector, I wanted to prepare to do the readings. 

I looked to the right to turn the microphone on, but the neck of the microphone was broken off. 

On the left, the neck of the light was broken off. 

In the middle was the lectionary, but it was opened to the back pages, which looked like an index. 

I didn’t know which Sunday it was, so I didn’t know which Scriptures to read. 

I was very anxious, because I didn’t have the preparation, nor the resources, to do my job.

I looked out at the sanctuary, and there were only a few pews, scattered around, facing in various directions. 

There were also only a few worshippers, and some of them were Baptists.

Directly in front of the lectern, standing in the sanctuary, there was a demon. 

I could see a form, but it was not clear. 

I just knew it was a demon. 

I pointed at it with my right index finger, and I called out in a loud voice, “In the Name of Jesus, get out!”

I sensed that my command, in the name of Jesus, would protect me, but the demon would not leave the


The Catholic Church is broken.

The Light of Christ, who is the Truth, revealed in (and as) the Word of God: 

through Scripture, through Apostolic Tradition, and through the true Magisterium, is extinguished in those parishes, by some bishops, and in Vatican assemblies, like the Synod of Synodality in Rome, where the
Fullness of the Truth is not proclaimed and protected. 

Half-truths are not Truth at all.

They are the lies of the enemy.

Preaching the Gospel is the mission that Jesus gave to the Apostles and to the whole Church throughout the centuries. 

The true Gospel is not proclaimed, but contradicted, in many parishes, those where Gospel teachings are being revised by human opinion.

It was a few days after I had that dream that it occurred to me that I had not seen an altar, nor a tabernacle in that church, though it was supposed to
be a Catholic church.

In prayer:

I felt sad, and then an image came of the Body of Christ in the tomb.

As I stated, there were some Baptists in the small congregation. 

Baptists and other Protestants do not believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

There are some Catholics who believe, like Protestants, that, when they receive “communion,” they are only receiving bread and wine that are
symbols of the body and blood of Jesus. 

I would call them protestant catholics.

A word that came to me when I was pondering the dream was “broken into.”

The enemy has broken into the Catholic Church to steal the Fullness of the Truth and replace it with false Protestant beliefs.

Those unbelieving Catholics who receive the Body and Blood of Jesus, believing they are only symbols, are not the “living stones” that St. Peter spoke about in 1 Peter 2:5. 

Their souls are dead stones that form a spiritual tomb in which faith lies dead.

So what is the remedy for our broken Catholic Church? 

A few years ago these words clearly came to me:
“Adoration will restore the Church.”

“My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love You.
I beg pardon for those who do not believe, nor adore, nor hope, nor love You.” (taught by the Angel at Fatima)

Cami little handmaid

Updated December 14, 2023