
Showing posts from February, 2024

A Dream of a Broken Church by Cami little handmaid

  In the dream I was standing at a lectern in a Catholic Church.  As the lector, I wanted to prepare to do the readings.  I looked to the right to turn the microphone on, but the neck of the microphone was broken off.  On the left, the neck of the light was broken off.  In the middle was the lectionary, but it was opened to the back pages, which looked like an index.  I didn’t know which Sunday it was, so I didn’t know which Scriptures to read.  I was very anxious, because I didn’t have the preparation, nor the resources, to do my job. I looked out at the sanctuary, and there were only a few pews, scattered around, facing in various directions.  There were also only a few worshippers, and some of them were Baptists. Directly in front of the lectern, standing in the sanctuary, there was a demon.  I could see a form, but it was not clear.  I just knew it was a demon.  I pointed at it with my right index finger, and I called out in a...

Only Statues of King Jesus and Queen Mary merit to be crowned with crowns of glory!

  Personal reflection: Statue of Saint Anthony was moved to where Statue of Maria Niña was previously located. Vine of flowers and even sunburst or halo background are appropriate. But a crown!?! Really!?! I think maybe Saint Anthony would be the first to object. Only King Jesus and Queen Mary deserve crowns of glory! When the Misioneros Natividad de Maria were assigned to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish they brought devotion to Natividad de Maria. The new administration seeks to make us forget that order of religious priests. San Antonio pray for the Archdiocese under your patronage. Saint Anthony consumed with zeal for the salvation of souls, make ArchSA not be consumed with the devotion to donations. Saint Anthony Wonder-Worker of Padua, pray for us. God bless Misioneros Natividad de Maria. Maria Niña, ruega por nosotros.

Gone from Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish / Desaparecido de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

  Personal reflection: Came across these calendars and it got me thinking: Gone from Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish - Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School  - Religious Sister’s Convent - Catholic Credit Union - Parish Office - Study Center  - Pastor assigned exclusively to Parish What’s next on the cutting block? God help us.  ******************************************** Reflexión personal: Me encontré con estos calendarios y me hizo pensar: Desaparecido de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe - Escuela Católica Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe - Convento de las Hermanas Religiosas  - Cooperativa de Crédito Católica  - Oficina Parroquial  - Centro de Estudios  - Párroco asignado exclusivamente a la parroquia  ¿Qué sigue en el bloque de corte?  Dios nos ayude.