The grumbling “go green” Grinch by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


The grumbling “go green” Grinch by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


Radical environmentalists want holiday traditions banned because holidays are a time to throw away traditions in the name of “going green.”


Don’t Eat Meat

Radical environmentalists are terrified of all the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions generated by cooking meats, like Thanksgiving turkey and holiday ham.

Raising beef generates the most CO2, but farm-raised fowl are also high-impact.


Don’t Take Long Drives to Visit Family

They want us to use mass transportation to avoid spewing out excessive CO2.

Green groups have spent years trying to convince Americans to drive less, with extremely limited results.


Don’t Chit-Chat around the Dinner Table

They suggest substantive discussions that are more environmentally-friendly, like convincing a “climate-change denier” over the holiday dinner table.

They recommend reading articles that provide excellent talking points about “climate change”.


Don’t Buy Great Inexpensive Food

Greens” claim that only eating organic and locally grown food can save the planet, even if it does substantially increase prices.


Don’t Watch Football

The NFL has been playing games during the holidays since the league’s inception in 1920, but this cherished tradition could be ending if radical environmentalists get their way.

Professional and college football games are an energy-guzzling, carbon-emitting, trash-generating machine; diminishing our energy and destroying our environment.

Stadium visitors, as well as television viewers will eat mountains of snack foods and drink rivers of beer and soda at all venues, and they’ll flip on bright lights galore which will be environmentally energy draining and depleting.


Don’t Enjoy Parades

Americans love watching the entertaining holiday parades, whether in their hometowns or on television.

“Greens” claim the parade vehicles generate an exorbitant amount of CO2 emissions and pollute the surrounding area.


Don’t Affirm American Sovereignty

Radical environmentalists clamor that the U.S. contributes more to “climate change” than any other country.

The Paris Agreement was the radical environmentalist’s dream-come-true, but from which the U.S. withdrew under President Trump, but was quickly re-instated with President Biden.

They insist that the only way to solve “climate change” is to surrender American sovereignty to the United Nations.


“Red light!” the grumbling “go green” Grinch!

Go ahead: Eat Meat, Take Long Drives to Visit Family, Chit-Chat around the Dinner Table, Buy Great Inexpensive Food, Watch Football, Enjoy Parades, and Affirm American Sovereignty.



Marian Casillas, Ed.D.