It’s not rocket science!


Personal reflection: 

America Magazine is published by The Society of Jesus commonly known as the Jesuits.

God’s Truth is simple.

Evil isn’t complicated!

June 16 is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and this is the day the evil one and all his minions chose to publicly mock the Catholic Faith in the city originally named El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reyna de los Angeles, The City of Our Lady Queen of the Angels.

It's really not that complicated, it's really quite simple.

If a Catholic doesn't get it, it's not that he's conflicted or that it's complicated; it's that he's compromised and committed to the evil one. 

We are called to HONOR:
Virtues not vices
Piety not pryde
Saintliness not sinfulness
Decency not decadency
Purity not perversion
Moral values not mob violence
Righteous femininity not radical feminism
Righteous masculinity not radical misogyny
Our Infinite Redeemer not the idolatrous rein-bow