In 2023 Censorship is freedom of speech


Personal reflection:

The satire of the past is taken seriously in the present.
The satire of today is taken seriously tomorrow. 

Moderators seek out "coded" language throughout the internet to justify their decision to ban those who disagree with them from communicating through digital devices.
Moderator says: “The sky is blue”, must be banned.

This is code, meaning that those living in the red states want the asteroids falling from the sky to fall upon and destroy all the blue states. 
Moderator says, The movie "It’s a Wonderful Life!" must be wiped out.

This is code, meaning that those who call themselves pro-life are really anti-abortionists.
They want only a wonderful life for themselves because they want the worst kind of life for those who are for reproductive rights.
Moderator says, “2+2=4” must be totally filtered out.

This is code, meaning that there are rigid, hard-fast rules that are called facts. 
But we know better that everything is fluid and nothing is set-in-stone. 
Everything is my truth and what I say it is, then that’s what it is. 
I say 2+2=22 and 20+20=2020.