A Nation of economic Illiterates by Gene Chapman

A Nation of economic Illiterates

I have lost my second computer in a modern world that could never mesh with my simple, near goose quill, raising in the cotton fields and cattle pastures of my Beulah youth.  After spending nearly two thousand dollars, my last column just magically disappeared. I pray for a successful ending for this one.

America is a nation of dull normal economic illiteracy, infected with class- warfare despising the rich, screaming fair share taxes for all.  They would never believe the top 1 percent pay 40 percent of all taxes in some way. Sure, they avoid taxes, being smart buying equally for sell legislatures for IRS rules paying less. But the truth is, the lower the taxes for the rich, the higher the living standers for the masses, with the rich investing in new industries creating new jobs opportunities rather than fleeing or buying tax shelters. Remember the corporate trillions coming home to America from the world when Trump made our corporate taxes competitive. Our economy exploded in growth and the IRS collected record amounts of taxes.  When Biden recently bragged about cutting $I.7 trillion from the deficit, he was talking about Trumps lower taxes boom, that he would have spent buying votes, creating more inflation.  Biden reversed every Trump presidential order on his first day in office, and with his overspending causing inflation.  America lost the $7000 medium family income advantage, and more, because of Biden’s economic illiteracy. So, when you hear the ridiculous class warfare cry of FAIR SHARE for the rich, just understand the poor will pay the larger price every time.

 Democrats learned they could buy votes with higher taxes and free stuff, disincentivizing productive work, with a loyal ever-growing deep state bureaucracy.  If we were a direct Democracy, we would have voted ourselves out of existence long ago, as all democracies eventually do, voting for a living. Today we do not have our Constitutional First Amendment right of free speech, with the ruling misguided elites louder voice, silencing the voices of reason, allowing only the left full freedom of speech. They are coming after the Supreme Court, the third branch of government, standing in the way of complete control, and fundamentally changing America into permanent big government mediocrity in a woke society of pure stupidity.  

We have had three great economic presidents, all three using similar polices, raising living standards for the masses in comforts.  Lower taxes for all, including the rich, smaller government bureaucracy with minimal regulations birthing opportunities for willing entrepreneurs, providing jobs for the willing commensurate with their ideas and dreams.   Calvin Coolidge’s LOWER TAXES policies created the roaring twenties, followed by Hebert Hoover who signed the popular Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, mismanaging the economy. He was followed by Franklin Roosevelt who class warfare raised taxes on the rich to ninety percent with government programs galore, causing a Greater Depression. World War 11 produced jobs, but America never actually boomed again until Ronald Reagans 1980’s.  Reagan lower taxes reduced the size of government creating opportunities for a rising middle class with morning in America again.   He was loudly derided every day of his presidency by a liberal media hating his polices, calling him a dunce for not raising taxes for more big government welfare. But the people loved the rising tide of opportunities to help themselves with disciplined work, dignity, and plenty!  He built a strong military deterrence, and Russia’s Gorbachev laid down the Hammer and Sycle of Communism and moved to America.    

Finally, 2016, Donald Trump’s unexpectedly won the election after 8 years of Obama’s liberal fundamentally changing of America, ballyhooed as greatness, with barely an overall average of one percent GDP Growth, with higher taxes and larger government.  The media hated Reagan but the FBI, DOJ, the full scope of big government did not willfully create false crimes on him, as they did for Trump. They rightfully feared and hated Trump, a true free market Capitalist in spades!  It began as Trump, came down the escalator declaring his candidacy for president. He unleashed a pent-up free market tsunami, lifting the bottom of America up at a greater percentage than the usual top one percent.  The Deep State bureaucracy couldn’t control him, and had to remove him with anything necessary, or lose permanent control of America’s future.   Controlling the FBI, and what became the Department of INJUSTICE, they colluded amongst themselves to create Fake malicious crimes on Trump, permanently destroying his chance of ever again holding even low office.  They committed crimes, lying to the FISA Court to appoint a hyena group of Trump haters in The Mueller Special Counsel, spending untold tax millions, in deceitful two years of investigations, promising mountains of criminality that resulted in wasted millions, finding nary a single mole hill of criminality.   Just to be sure Trump lost, they gave Hillary, and her full staff total immunity against all future prosecution in a two-hour Saturday morning meeting with the now disgraced third highest FBI official, Peter Strzok doing the honors. Hillary only destroyed 30 thousand subpoenaed e-mails, and hammer destroyed all the required cell phones, leaving not a trace of required government transactions for history as Obama’s Secretary of State. The media tried recently to rehabilitate her, but nobody took the bait.  They must destroy Trump, still using selected democrat judges in near ninety percent democrat voting jurisdictions for juries, as in New York, with little to no chance of losing.  They are refusing to allow identification of the New York jury in a civil case, a first time ever in my knowledge. There are near 1000 imprisoned in Washington D.C. jail for entering the Capitol on January the 6th, injuring not a single officer,  held without bail, awaiting trial, allegedly beaten, with two suicides for hopelessness, and not a single trial victory for a single patriot in 90 t0 95 percent democrat voting D.C. juries to my knowledge.  

 Trump  policies built the greatest economy in American history, with the largest middle class ever, creating 6000 millionaires  in four years(Obama created less than 2000 in 8 years) encompassing all Americans, including Blacks, Hispanics, Women and Asians in a booming free market open to all comers, without prejudice .If Trump had his second term, his policies would have been so much greater with a solid first term foundation, and a second administration understanding the leftist opposition, taking America back to our permanent wondrous Christian Founding. Furthermore, Trump started not a single war, but finished one, and was in the process of bringing all our Troops home with peace and a plan, when Biden surprisingly won all the swing States.  Hillary and the democrats alleged that Trump stole the 2016 election with Russian influence, but now it’s a dangerous no -no, potentially up to a full-fledged investigation destroying one’s life financially to say Biden stole the election. So, I reluctantly know that Face Books Mark Zuckerberg’s near half a billion dollars to the democrat’s election process, had nothing to do with the surprising after mid night win, nor did the election drop boxes on the darkest streets of Democrat cities. Neither did sending a ballot to every voter on the rolls in precincts, even should one address have four or five different name voters listed there. Everyone knows 2020 was the cleanest election in all of history, because Trump lost?

 Seventy percent of America don’t want Biden to run, and sixty percent of America don’t want Trump to run, but if they do run, Trump will lose if he doesn’t pick DeSantis as his running mate?  By these standards, Trump is the likely loser, and nobody could be surprised when he does.     

This morning I watched Congressman Comer and his committee release the millions the Biden crime family received from Communist China, Romania, and others with no known businesses.   It was laundered through several countries, and many banks prior to arriving at one of nine Biden addresses. The Mafia moves money the same way, to hide criminality, and never pay their FAIR SHARE taxes, the democrats are forever crying about.  Comer thought C-Span was covering it. They were not.  I quickly checked all stations to ascertain who was covering it. Only Fox and Newsmax were. Newsmax soon cut away, leaving only Fox to cover it in total. Maybe they were working to get back the departed Tucker Carlson fans, now with a larger audience with Elon Musk’s Twitter. All serious America loving patriots should work to educate themselves of the absolute truth, but so few will.

My friends, America no longer believes the lying dominant media’s louder voice!  They simply can’t forever defend the indefensible anti American, pro-China-Russia policies of Biden and the democrats far left policies. They are rewriting history making America anti-Christian, reeducated to hate America while ending your first Amendment Rights of freedom of speech, looking for your guns next. They want you compliant, ignorant, sheepish little socialist/communist in the equity of dreamless, near starvation, in a comply or die America.  But the unspoken Other Side will win in the end.  After near billions of your tax dollars was spent to destroy Trump, he is still standing with a seven-point lead over Biden—finally.  It is the economy stupid, along with exposure of a two-tiered Department of Injustice spending billions to protect democrat schemers and liars, while creating fake crimes on patriots, only seeking to keep America Constitutionally great and world dominant for hundred more years.

We owe it to the immigrants escaping Communism, arriving at our shores with tears of joy, thinking they were finally free at last!

Gene Chapman

PS: C-Span ran Congressman Comer’s crime exposure later in the day.